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Updated: August 3, 2024

Napoleon enters Moscow after the brilliant victory de la Moskowa; there can be no doubt about the victory for the battlefield remains in the hands of the French. The Russians retreat and abandon their ancient capital. Moscow, abounding in provisions, arms, munitions, and incalculable wealth, is in Napoleon's hands.

The burgomaster and councillors of Weissenfels were already on the steps of the town-hall to bid us welcome. When we were re-formed, the Marshal-Prince of Moskowa passed before the front of our battalion and said joyfully: "Well done! I am satisfied with you! The Emperor will know of your conduct!" He could not help laughing at the way we rushed on the guns.

The Inspector of Forests saved the situation and the cows of the farmer, and the stag fell to the carabine of Prince de la Moskowa, with the young Prince Murat on his pony in the very front rank.

These, however, had preceded us, so that with the exception of M. Drouyn de Lhuys, we had the saloon carriage to ourselves. The party was a very large one, including the Walewskis, the Persignys, the Metternichs he, the Austrian Ambassador Prince Henri VII. of Reuss, Prussian Ambassador, the Prince de la Moskowa, son of Marshal Ney, and the Labedoyeres, amongst the historical names.

After he had written and signed the act he said, "Gentlemen, the interests of my son, the interests of the army, and above all, the interests of France, must be defended. I therefore appoint as my commissioners to the Allied powers the Duke of Vicenza, the Prince of the Moskowa, and the Duke of Ragusa . . . . Are you satisfied?" added he, after a pause.

"When we love our friends, we serve them," he replied, sententiously. To capture Brigitte would be like carrying the redoubt of the Moskowa, the culminating strategic point. But it was necessary to possess that old maid as the devil was supposed in the middle ages to possess men, and in a way to make any awakening impossible for her.

There were three arched windows to which three large mirrors of the same shape at the other end of the salon formed pendants and one of which, the middle one, was a door. The window curtains were of fine white satin richly flowered. While the Prince de la Moskowa and I were talking Socialism, the Mountain, Communism, etc., Louis Bonaparte came up and took me aside.

Ney's horse is killed under him the fifth to-day but he quickly extricates himself from saddle and stirrups and continues on his way on foot, sword in hand the sword that conquered at Austerlitz, at Eylau and at Moskowa. Round him the grenadiers of the Old Guard they with the fur bonnets and the grizzled moustaches tighten up their ranks.

"The men whom Napoleon created marshals and peers of France have been openly snubbed at the Court of Louis XVIII. Ney, who is prince of Moskowa and next to Napoleon himself the greatest soldier of France, has seen his wife treated little better than a chambermaid by the Duchesse d'Angoulême and the ladies of the old noblesse.

When on the eve of the battle of Moskowa, Napoleon was giving his final orders for the tremendous struggle of the next day, a courier, M. de Bausset, arrived suddenly from Paris, bringing with him this masterpiece of Gerard's; at once the General forgot his anxieties in his paternal joy.

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