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Steady work twelve months in the year; that's an advantage. And she'd be living at home, with no expenses." "There'd be talk if you raised her prices," said Mrs. Kronborg dubiously. "At first there would. But Thea is so much the best musician in town that they'd all come into line after a while. A good many people in Moonstone have been making money lately, and have bought new pianos.

Beyond these two huge-limbed warders of the mountain ranch gate, there is a flower-bordered way, but it is the road no longer. The mountain ranch takes its name from the cañon below. It is the Moonstone Ranch, the home of Louise, whose ancestors, the Lacharmes, grew roses in old France.

The house in Yorkshire was associated with the scandalous affair of the lost Moonstone. Her guardian's own residence at Frizinghall was open to neither of these objections. But Rachel's presence in it, after her recent bereavement, operated as a check on the gaieties of her cousins, the Miss Ablewhites and she herself requested that her visit might be deferred to a more favourable opportunity.

But," says the Sergeant, with the first tone of impatience in his voice that I had heard yet, "the mystery is what the devil has she hidden in the tin case?" I thought to myself, "The Moonstone!" But I only said to Sergeant Cuff, "Can't you guess?" "It's not the Diamond," says the Sergeant. "The whole experience of my life is at fault, if Rosanna Spearman has got the Diamond."

He thought of a FUSZREISE he had made through the Hartz Mountains in his student days; of the innkeeper's pretty daughter who had lighted his pipe for him in the garden one summer evening, of the woods above Wiesbaden, haymakers on an island in the river. The roundhouse whistle woke him from his reveries. Ah, yes, he was in Moonstone, Colorado.

Archie's past was literally destroyed when his wife died. The house burned to the ground, and all those material reminders which have such power over people disappeared in an hour. His mining interests now took him to Denver so often that it seemed better to make his headquarters there. He gave up his practice and left Moonstone for good. Six months afterward, while Dr.

The town looked small and black, flattened down in the snow, muffled and all but extinguished. Overhead the stars shone gloriously. It was impossible not to notice them. The air was so clear that the white sand hills to the east of Moonstone gleamed softly. Following the Reverend Mr.

Thea nodded good-night to him and settled her head back on her pillow, looking up at the oil lamps. She was going back to Moonstone for her summer vacation, and she was sitting up all night in a day-coach because that seemed such an easy way to save money. At her age discomfort was a small matter, when one made five dollars a day by it.

She spoke with a bitterness of tone which satisfied me that the scandal of the Moonstone had been in some way recalled to her mind. "I have no more to say," she added, wearily, not addressing the words to anyone in particular, and looking away from us all, out of the window that was nearest to her. Mr.

"Paper says he put it over a desert rat up near Barstow. Did you hear about it?" "Some," replied Overland sententiously. "And did you hear about his last get-away on one of the Moonstone Rancho ponies? Some class to that!" "I read somethin' about it," replied Overland. "Well, Red, if you won't tumble, all I got to say is, beat it.