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I have known your name a long while and envied you for living in the days when these mountains were unknown." Revailloud forgot the mules to the Montanvert and the tourists on the Mer de Glace. He warmed into cheerfulness. This young girl looked at him with so frank an envy. "Yes, those were great days, mademoiselle," he said, with a thrill of pride in his voice.

Close beside the path by which travellers ascend the Montanvert from the valley of Chamouni, on the right hand, where it first begins to rise among the pines, there descends a small stream from the foot of the granite peak known to the guides as the Aiguille Charmoz.

This idiot glared at us, and said: "You don't need guides and porters to go to the Montanvert." "What do we need, then?" "Such as YOU? an ambulance!" I was so stung by this brutal remark that I took my custom elsewhere. Betimes, next morning, we had reached an altitude of five thousand feet above the level of the sea. Here we camped and breakfasted.

The guide we brought down with him from the Glacier des Nantillons a fortnight back all this fortnight I have been envying him yes, yes, even though he kicked the snow with his feet for a little before he died. It is better to do so than to lead mules up to the Montanvert." "I am sorry," said Chayne.

How poignant must have been her anguish that day on Montanvert if she cared for him! She loved him how could he doubt it? but she had accepted the hopelessness of the position. In his own mind he had accused her of coquetry in their walk at the cascade of Nant d'Arpenaz. He saw through it all now; the scales had fallen from his eyes. She was hiding her misery under a smooth face, as women will.

Our worthy guide suggests that it would afford more pleasure to the ladies and of course, therefore, to the gentlemen if you were to make your first expedition only to the Montanvert which is but a two hours' climb from Chamouni, picnic there, cross the Mer de Glace, which is narrow at that point, and descend again to Chamouni by the side of the Glacier des Bois, where you can behold the great moraines, and also the source of the river Arveiron.

Rising and thrusting his hands into his pockets, he sauntered leisurely from the room, recommending the Captain, in an undertone, to save his wind for the mountainside. Not long afterwards, the same parties that had accompanied the Professor to the Montanvert were toiling up the Mer de Glace, at a considerable distance above the scene of their former exploits, on their way to the Jardin.

We partook of some refreshment in an apartment on the summit of Montanvert, which the extreme cold of the atmosphere rendered very acceptable.

"Nothing more than this: I want you to insist that aunt Gertrude and I ought to make the ascent of Montanvert and visit the Mer de Glace before uncle Denham arrives." "Why, would he object?" "I do not think anything would induce him to trust either of us on one of those narrow mule-paths." "But everybody goes up Montanvert as a matter of course. The bridle-way is perfectly safe."

Think of being asked, as I once was on entering the Pavilion at Montanvert, after crossing the Mer de Glace from the Mauvais Pas, "Pray, can you tell me what was the price of Brighton stock when you left town?" There is no risk of such rencontres in Dauphiny, whose valleys remain in almost as primitive a state as they were hundreds of years ago. Accordingly, when my friend Mr.