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Updated: August 5, 2024

"Nay, he speaks the truth," said Mobray; "and I thank God 't is so. Don't cry. I am glad to go; and though I have wasted my life, 't is a happier death than poor John Andre's." For a moment only the sobs of the girl could be heard, then the dying man gaspingly resumed: "A comrade I once had whom I loved best in this world till I knew you.

If you desire to sell it, why do you not offer it to Mobray?" The girl had coloured with Andre's first remark, and ere he had completed his speech, her cheeks were all aglow. "I I could not offer it to him. Surely you can understand that 't would be impossible?" she stammered. "I suppose I am dull-witted not to know it," said Andre, hurriedly, in evident desire to lessen her embarrassment.

"Whom he forgot, it appears, once you were seen, for which small blame to him, Miss Meredith," replied Mobray, as he rose and left the room, his face set sternly, as if he were fighting some emotion.

The generality of his prisoners Bruce directed should be kept safe in the citadel; but to Mobray he gave his liberty, and ordered every means to facilitate the commodious journey of that brave knight whom he had requested to convey the insane Lady Strathearn to the protection of her husband.

Piquet was quite abandoned, and in place of it nothing would do Andre but he must teach Janice to paint. Not to be thrown in the background, Mobray produced his flute, and, thanks to a fine harpsichord Franklin had imported for his daughter, was able to have numberless duets with the maiden.

Let her say nay to us both, and it please her, but don't force her to a marriage of compulsion by needless blabbing." "I will hold my peace, if that seems best for Miss Meredith; not otherwise, my Lord," answered Mobray, flinging from the room.

"Hold, Andre," broke in Mobray, "let me answer, not for you, but for the army." He faced Clowes and went on. "When you have surrendered yourself into the hands of the rebels, and have been properly exchanged, sir, you may be able to find a British officer to carry a challenge on your behalf; until then no man of honour would lower himself by fighting you."

When Mobray returned from Germantown, he at once sought out Janice and confirmed Andre's action. Though he found her working on the costume, it was with so melancholy a countenance that he demanded the cause. "T is what you know already," moaned the girl, miserably. "Lord Clowes is pressing me for an answer, and now dadda is urgent that I give him ay." "Why?"

As Mobray spoke, came a cry from the garrison, "We yield!" and the clatter of their weapons could be heard as they were grounded, or were thrown to the earth. "Quick!" cried Brereton, fairly hauling Sir Frederick to where he stood. "Run, Fred! At least, you shall be no prisoner." Jack gave him a last squeeze of the hand and a shove, which sent his friend fairly staggering down into the ditch.

Trotting up to them, Mobray dismounted, and, after an inquiry and a request to one of them to take his horse, he entered the public room. To its one occupant, who was seated before the fire, he said: "The dragoons outside told me the reb the Continental commissioners were here. Canst tell me where they are to be found, fellow?"

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