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Miss Minot did not reply for a moment, and her flushed face drooped lower over the embroidery in her hands. At last she said, slowly: "Honey, I have sent him a word; but it was 'Come'!" "Sadie!" "Yes, and" a shy smile playing around the corners of the girl's mouth "a telegram received last night reads: 'Coming Thursday; sail March thirtieth; can you get ready?"

Minot, who may be presumed to have been personally acquainted with the transaction, does not attribute to that cause entirely, the conciliating temper manifested at the close of a contest, which had commenced with such appearances of asperity.

"And do you really believe all they tell about the wonderful cures and and the rest of it?" Sadie demanded, with curling lips. "Yes." "Tell me about some of them," said the girl, eagerly, her curiosity aroused. "Excuse me, Miss Minot; I cannot, for Prof. Seabrook has forbidden me to say anything about the subject here," Katherine returned. "Yes, I heard that, too," said Sadie, with a nod.

It was Wednesday evening, the last of our ironing was finished, and mother and I were folding the clothes as we took them down from the old-fashioned horse, when we heard her sweet voice claiming us for special consultation. "Mrs. Minot," she called, and we left our clothes and went into the square room, as we called it.

Minot, will operate an opposition store to the Company at Fort Enterprise. A private letter from the landing tells of a wonderful van on runners that Ambrose Doane is building there to house his bride on their long journey north. It is to contain a stove, bookshelves, side-board, piano, and all the comforts of a city residence, and will be drawn by four horses.

Minot, I have succeeded in preserving alive the nerve cells of the spinal ganglia of adult dogs and rabbits by placing them in defibrinated blood of the same animal, through which there bubbled a current of oxygen.

Minot, touching the little figure as tenderly as if it were alive, had tied a broad white ribbon round it, and, handing it to Ralph, bade him fasten it to the hook above the tree-top, where it seemed to float as if the downy wings supported it.

Minot, and it is not right we should hold a position not sanctioned by you. I shall feel better if you are willing to consider us, as we feel, pledged to each other." "I cannot say no, but I have thought Mr. Benton has asked me the same question, and I hardly know what to say I said to him, 'If Emily is willing, I will not oppose your suit." "Oh!" I cried, "father, he has told such stories!"

"Proceed, Miss Minot, for I assure you I am much in need of comfort, and if you had been ready before, I might have been thankful to receive it." I had begun more abruptly than I meant, and already felt I was stepping on dangerous ground.

And bestowing a bright glance and nod upon her new friend, she shut the door and went whistling cheerily down the hall. "That's a queer 'pickaninny'! I didn't mean to hurt her, though," observed Miss Minot, as she curled herself up on the foot of a bed, preparatory to getting acquainted with her new roommate.