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Marcus was in that half-comatose state which is the stupid reaction from an intense and painful excitation of the nerves. He was morbidly calm. The opinion of the coroner, that Miss Minford's testimony would be a "staggerer," had no more effect on him than it would have had on the most phlegmatic reader of the case in next morning's paper.

This instrument was squeezed in between the bureau and the washstand, filling up the last spare place in the crowded little room. Pet wanted to have it set up in the next apartment, and practise there in the cold, alone; but neither her father nor Marcus would listen to that proposition for a moment. Mr. Minford's nerves were extremely sensitive to sound.

Minford's dealings with the world had made him shy and suspicious, and he was at first disposed to keep his benevolent visitor at a safe business distance. But the heart of the thoughtful mechanic could not long resist the kind and earnest sympathy of the man who sought to be his friend. With a caution born of experience, however, Mr.

The inventor received him with a feeble shake of the hand, bearing no resemblance to the hearty one which he used to bestow in the early days of their acquaintance. Marcus noticed that Mr. Minford's hand was hot. He also observed that his eyes were preternaturally lustrous, and that the circles under them were deep and dark. His cheeks were deathly pale, saving a little red spot in the centres.

"You are not afraid to stay here, child?" said-the inventor. "Oh, no," replied Pet, with a happy laugh. "I already feel quite at home." "And she shall always feel so here, I assure you, sir," added Miss Pillbody. Mr. Minford's new idea occurred to him again with fresh force, and he hurriedly said: "Good-by, Pet. Be a good girl, now, and see how much you can learn in your first lesson."

What she did conscientiously to the others for pay, she would have done to Pet for love, had not her bills been settled in advance. Minford's, and notify Pet, who was only too happy to go to her beloved teacher, and take an extra lesson. Mrs. Crull could not be called a promising pupil. Her intentions were excellent. Her patience and her good nature were unbounded.