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Updated: August 22, 2024

This was very much needed, for poor Edith was beginning to shiver from the wet and cold. "Now then, Francois, Massan," shouted Frank, "lend a hand here to build a house for Eda. We'll be all as snug as need be in a few minutes."

Taking up a roll of bark, which was carried with them for the purpose, Massan cut from it a square patch, which he sewed over the hole, using an awl for a needle and the fibrous roots of the pine tree, called wattape, for thread. After it was firmly sewed on, the seams were covered with melted gum, and the broken spot was as tight and strong as ever.

"Yes, yes, we've heard all about it; go on." "Well," continued Massan, "I needn't be wastin' time tellin' you how we failed in that affair, and how the Huskies killed some of our men and burnt our ship to the water's edge.

The honest guide's enumeration of the various articles into which the small timber of the place might be converted was brought to a sudden pause by Frank, who laid his hand on his shoulder, and while he pointed with the butt of his rifle up the ravine, whispered, "Don't you see anything else up yonder besides trees, Massan?"

That's the way that gintlemen from the ould country does when we're out sportin'. We always put up the birds first, and fire afterwards; but you salvages murther a poor brute on the sand, whin it's only two fathoms from ye. Shame on ye, Massan." "See, Massan," cried Frank, pointing to another deer, which, having escaped its pursuers, had gained the heights above.

"Dey not eat wid der masters, but dey al'ays clean hout de kettle," replied Moses, somewhat indignantly. "Ha!" exclaimed Massan, pausing for a few minutes to recover breath; "yes, they always let the dogs finish off the feast.

"Well, then, we had better encamp," said Stanley. "Is there a proper place, Massan, hereabouts?" "No, sir," replied the guide. "The stones on the beach are the only pillows within six mile o' us." "Ho! then, forward, boys, make a bold push for it," cried Stanley; "if it does begin to blow before we're over, we can run back again at all events."

"Ah! oui, monsieur," said Massan, chuckling as he laid aside his axe and gun; "we might ha' killed three o' them if we had been so minded; but we couldn't ha' brought them into camp, an', as Dick said, 'tis a pity to kill deer to feed the wolves with." "Right!" exclaimed Frank; "but did any of you see Bryan? He gave me the slip in the mountains, and, I fear, has lost himself."

Although the sea was covered with ice, there were, nevertheless, several lanes of open water not far from the shore; so that when Stanley called a council, composed of Frank Morton, Dick Prince, and Massan, it was agreed unanimously that they should attempt to proceed.

"Niver fear ye; come along, honey," said Bryan, grasping the elder Indian by the arm, while the younger was carried off by Massan, and the dogs taken care of by Ma-istequan and Gaspard. On perusing the letters, Stanley found that it would be absolutely necessary to send a packet of dispatches to headquarters.

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