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I suppose they have conjurers or wizards among them, since Massan told us just now that poor Peter was " "Bah! gammon," interrupted Francois with a smile, as he turned to the first speaker. "But tell me, Massan, what is a dan?" "It's a sort o' float or buoy, lad, used by the Huskies, and is made out o' the skin o' the seal.

"Take care, Massan," said Mr Stanley, on approaching one of these floes. "Don't chip the gum off if you can help it. If we spring a leak, we shan't spend our first night on a pleasant camping-ground, for the shore just hereabouts does not look inviting." "No fear, sir," replied Massan. "Dick Prince is in the bow, and as long as his mouth's shut I keep my mind easy."

Then turning towards the stern of the canoe, where Massan stood erect, with his steering paddle ready for action, he said to that worthy "Now, Massan, all ready; give the word." "Ho, ho, boys; forward!"

After the day's toil of unloading the ship was over, he was placed in the middle of the circle, directly in front of the blazing fire, by Dick Prince and Massan; while Moses, Oostesimow, Gaspard, and Ma-istequan sat on his right; and Bryan, La Roche, Francois, and Augustus supported him on the left all having pipes in their mouths, which were more or less blackened by constant use.

"Yes, I saw them do it; but I could not render any assistance to the poor child, for I was lying close behind a rock at the time, with an arrow sticking between my shoulders, and a score o' them oily varmints a-shoutin', and yellin', and flourishing their spears in search o' me." "Tell us how it happened, Massan. Let's hear the story," chorused the men, as they closed round their comrade.

Dick Prince, being the recognised hunter of the party, was directed to take his gun and a large supply of ammunition, and sally forth over the mountains in search of game; and as Massan was a special friend of his, a good shot, and, moreover, a sagacious fellow, he was ordered to accompany him.

"Ha!" exclaimed Stanley, looking out ahead; "what's that?" "Only Mr Frank," said Massan; "he's dowsed two birds. I see'd them splash into the water." "That's right," said Stanley; "we shall have something fresh for the kettle to-night.