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"You should have known," said he, "that even if I had had to go by transport, you would have gone by the Empress of India. It is only sixty hours from Manila to Hongkong, and I could have joined you soon after your arrival. As it is I shall see you safely established there I have letters to certain prominent English people then shall go over to join the fleet when it arrives in Manila Bay."

"The people of Manila," I answered, "are quiet because they have no arms and because as merchants and landlords they fear that their valuable properties and money in the banks will be confiscated by the Spaniards if they rise up and begin burning and destroying the property of others.

As early as the seventies, when the Virginius affair * threatened war between Spain and the United States, Dewey, then a commander on the west coast of Mexico, had proposed, in case war were declared, that he sail for the Philippines and capture Manila. Now he was prepared to seek in the hostile ports of those islands the liberty that international law forbade him in the neutral ports of Asia.

The Filipinos had surprised the station of San José and slaughtered the whole garrison after a short battle. Pemberton's corpse his love for whisky was well known they had put into a cask and driven to the infantry barracks at Manila. Parrington, deeply touched, pressed his comrade's hand. The insurrection of the Filipinos!

While the drum of all American progress is heard around the world, it too may be truthfully said that the sun never sets upon the soil over which Freedom's banner proudly floats, for when the light of the dying day is fading from Porto Rican hills the golden rays of the morning sun are reflected upon the shimmering folds of Old Glory on the gray old battlements of Manila.

But the repeated attacks of the natives under the leadership of Japanese officers soon depleted the little garrison, which was entirely cut off from outside assistance and dependent absolutely on the supplies left in Manila itself. The only article of which they had more than enough was coal; but you can't bake bread with coal, and so finally, on August twenty-fourth, Manila capitulated.

It just touched Manila, and he had been seen there. It just touched Saigon, and he was likewise seen there once. Perhaps these were his attempts to break out. If so, they were failures. The enchantment must have been an unbreakable one.

Spain severed diplomatic relations with us on April 21, and the war began on that date, as declared by an Act of Congress a few days later. Two hundred thousand volunteers were quickly enlisted, out of the much larger number that wished to serve. War with Spain.% The Battle of Manila.

The Olympia and Concord were being docked and cleaned at Hongkong. Permission to use the docks at Nagansaki during the suspension of hostilities had been declined. United States Civil Administration. We entered Manila on the afternoon of August 13th. On the 14th the capitulation was signed, and the same day General Merritt issued his proclamation establishing a Military Government.

"Going to rope the rocks and pull them up for steps?" asked Gowan. "I shall need two or three hundred feet of half-inch manila," said Blake, ignoring the sarcasm. "They may have it at Stockchute," said Knowles. "Kid, you can drive over with the wagon and fetch Mr. Blake all the rope and other things he wants. I can't stand this waiting much longer." "There will be no time lost," said Blake.