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Updated: August 1, 2024

Nor is there anything to allay the curiosity thus excited in finding that the French, in the all-comprehensive spirit of their classification and nomenclature, include the book-eater with the decorous title Bibliophage, seeing that in so gossiping a work as Peignot's Dictionnaire de Bibliologie, all that is communicated under this department is, "Bibliophage signifie celui qui mange des livres."

Apropos of this, a joyous rhymester of the time made the following quatrain: "Certes ce fut un triste jeu Quand a Paris Dame Justice Pour avoir mangé trop d'épice Se mit le Palais tout en feu."

"You mucker," he hissed, "I suppose you feel swelled up over having had a chance to fight gentleman. You " "Oh, Ripley, dry up -do!" interjected Ted Butler. "You call yourself a gentleman, but you talk and act more like well, more like a pup with the mange!" "A pup with the mange! Great!" came the gleeful chorus from a half score of freshmen. "I'm not through with you, yet, Prescott!"

Meanwhile, he narrowly escaped the mange; and, to add to the discomfort of his wounds, he experienced, now that his mother's aid was lacking, some difficulty in obtaining sufficient fresh food. At length he recovered, and new, downy hair clothed the wounds and the scratches on his muzzle and throat.

His ears and tail had never been docked, which was a pity, as the more you curtailed his proportions, the better looking the cur would have been. But his ears, although not cut, were torn to ribbons by the various encounters with dogs on shore, arising from the acidity of his temper. His tail had lost its hair from an inveterate mange, and reminded you of the same appendage to a rat.

They had, indeed, one offer of a cat suffering from the mange; but the Terror rejected it, saying coldly to its owner that theirs was a home, not a hospital. The impatient Erebus was somewhat vexed with him for rejecting it: she pointed out that even a mangy cat was a beginning.

It is still bad policy for a workman to be nice in his feelings, and several times I have had men excuse themselves for a weakness which they knew me to share, but which they seemed to think needed apology when they, too, exhibited it. Only a few weeks ago a neighbour's cat, affected with mange, was haunting my garden, and had become a nuisance.

We are now witnessing one of the most remarkable, one of the most suggestive, signs of the time a time which is, I verily believe, teeming with social mange a time, as I have said above, of the most stupendous importance in the history of mankind. We read constantly, in the paper and everywhere, fears, prophecies, bogies of approaching revolution. Approaching! Fears of approaching revolution!

SCABIES. This parasitic disease is one of the oldest and most prevalent diseases of the skin. It is commonly known as scab or mange. The animals most commonly affected are sheep, horses and cattle.

A lesson in mankind and the making had been coming to Garrison, and in that short walk down Broadway he appreciated it to the uttermost. "Think I had the mange or the plague," he mused grimly, as a plethoric ex-alderman passed and absent-mindedly forgot to return his bow an alderman who had been tipped by Garrison in his palmy days to a small fortune.

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