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Then he said that his first wife was such a cook, that when she died he paid for an extra Mass and twelve very fine candles. He called upon Parpon to endorse his words, and Parpon nodded to all he said, but, catching Julie's eye, went off into gurgles of laughter, which he pretended were tears, by smothering his face in his capote. "Ma'm'selle," said the miller, "I have thought.

"Why are the bells ringing so much, Denzil? Is it a Saint's Day?" she asked. He took off his hat. "Yes, ma'm'selle, it is a Saint's Day," and he named it. "There were lots of neighbours at early Mass, and some have gone to the Church of St. Anne de Beaupre at Beaupre, them that's got sickness." "Yes, Beaupre is as good as Lourdes, I'm sure. Why didn't you go, Denzil?"

"Steadee steadee-keep her head up, ma'm'selle," he answered, for Guida had steered unsteadily for the instant. "Steadee shale ben! that's right I remember twenty years ago the black wasps they fly on the coast of France like that. Who can tell now?" He shrugged his shoulders.

Some men go to the Avocat or the Cure with great things; but I have been a pilgrimage, I have sat on the grand jury. There, Ma'm'selle!" His chest swelled, he blew out his cheeks, he pulled Parpon's ear as Napoleon pulled Murat's. "Ma'm'selle, allons!

Jessica would have torn her frock for a bandage, but Perrot said in his broken English: "No, pardon. Not so. The cloak la-bas." She ran and brought it to him. As she did so Perrot glanced down at her feet, and then, with a touch of humour, said: "Pardon, but you have lost your slipper, ma'm'selle?" He foresaw the little comedy, which he could enjoy even in such painful circumstances.

You will go again to the war?" "Unless unless Ah, yes, ma'm'selle, I shall go again to the war," I stammered, going to the brink of confession, only to back away from it, as the blood came hot to my cheeks. She broke a tiny bough and began stripping its leaves. "Tell me, do you love the baroness?" she inquired as she whipped a swaying bush of brier. The question amazed me. I laughed nervously.

It's he that fetched Ma'm'selle Sophie to the hitching-post. Voila, he can wind them all round his finger!" Baby looked round to see if any one was near; then he drew the miller's head down by pulling at his collar, and whispered in his ear: "He's hot foot for the Rebellion; that's one good thing," he said. "If he wipes out the English "

Ma'm'selle eh, holy, what a turn has your waist!" At length he made it clear to her what his plans were, and to each and all she consented; but when he had gone she sat and laughed till she cried, and for the hundredth time took out the brown paper and studied the list of Farette's worldly possessions. The wedding-day came.

"Well, there's a lot of sense in that, ma'm'selle philosophe," answered Judge Carcasson. "You would make the good idle, and make the bad work. The good you would put in a mill to watch the stones grind, and the bad you would put on a prairie alone to make the grist for the grinding. Ma'm'selle, we must be friends is it not so?"

Why, the young M'sieu' Duvarney had him on his knees, the blade at his throat, and a sword flashed out from the dark they say it was the devil's and took him in the ribs and well-nigh killed him." "But what say you to Ma'm'selle Duvarney coming to him that day, and again yesterday with Gabord?" "Well, well, who knows, Bamboir?