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The damped fabric is then allowed to lie for several hours to condition, that is, to enable the moisture to spread, and then it is taken to the calender. Charles Parker, Sons & Co., Ltd. The calenders for jute almost invariably contain five different rollers, or "bowls," as they are usually termed; one of these bowls, the smallest diameter one, is often heated with steam.

*International Health Association, Ltd. British Manufacture In 2 lb. packets. An Appetising Breakfast Food, Quickly Cooked, EASILY ASSIMILATED, where DIGESTION is weak, a Natural Remedy for Constipation More easily digested than ordinary Wholemeal. Can be baked without kneading. Pure Wholesome Foods for Porridge, Puddings, etc. Very easily cooked. Manhu Diabetic Foods

On the north are five arches, not of equal height, the two most lofty of which reach nearly to the triforium level. On the south are six much lower arches, and above them is a blank arcade of intersecting arches. In the floor of the south transept are laid some very remarkable ancient tiles. Ltd.

I am chief partner in the Modern Sorcery Company Ltd., and as conjuring figures prominently in our programme I thought you might prefer to have us as friends rather than rivals." "I'm sure my father need not fear your rivalry," Gladys broke in, meeting Hamar's admiring gaze stonily. Hamar bowed.

A Company's casualties were 4 killed and 25 wounded, and they had a number of prisoners and machine guns to their credit. The first two advances were on a 1-Brigade frontage, the third on a 2-Brigade frontage with only our Battalion in Reserve. To face page 134 Emery Walker Ltd.

Some overseas Courts have held that if all that occurs is inquiry and report and the report is not in law a condition precedent to some further step the rules of natural justice are automatically excluded. That was the premise, for instance, of the High Court of Australia in Testro Bros. Pty. Ltd. v. Tait 109 C.L.R. 353.

He became Archbishop of Canterbury in 1486, and cardinal in 1493. He died at Knole in 1500, and was buried at Canterbury. Ltd. He was Bishop of Worcester, previously of Rochester, and had been for a few months Lord Chancellor. He founded Jesus College, Cambridge, upon the dissolution of the ancient nunnery of S. Rhadegund. He was a great architect, and erected many costly buildings.

In the choir the clerestory windows have four lights each; in the presbytery are triplets. The old colouring has been renewed throughout. On the north side of the choir the three bays are precisely alike; but on the south there is a variation in the tracery of the western triforium arch. The clerestory windows also on the south have different tracery. Ltd.

See the speech of Lord Russell of Killowen in Fairmount Investments Ltd. v. Secretary of State for the Environment 2 All E.R. 865, and the judgement of Lord Parker C.J. in Sheldon v. Bromfield Justices 2 Q.B. 573, 578.

She hated anything approaching dissimulation, but on this occasion there was no help for it, and what she told John Martin was the reverse of what she knew to be actually happening. The papers were full to overflowing with accounts of that fatal night's proceedings, and of the marvellous gratis exhibition given on the succeeding evening by the Modern Sorcery Company Ltd.