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Elkins who was master of all these as a more important man than the Elkins who had blown into the town on some chance breeze of speculation, and taken rooms at the Centropolis. It was all light and color, that night. Even the formal flower-beds of the grounds and the fountain spouting on the lawn were like scenery in the lime-light.

Our American civilization should be called Drummer's Delight and there's nothing in your fire-eater to delight a drummer: he's a gentleman, he'll be only so-so rich, and he's away back out of the lime-light, while poor old Charley's a bounder, and worth forty millions anyhow, and right in the centre of the glare. How should he see any danger in John?" "I wonder if he hasn't begun to?"

The moon had risen, and the snowy roofs of Upper Asquewan Falls sparkled in the lime-light of the heavens. Under one of those roofs was the girl of the station weeping no more, he hoped. Certainly she had eyes that held even the least susceptible to which class Mr. Magee prided himself he belonged.

Though thick streams of scud sped across the sky, the southern moon at the moment looked down between two dark rivulets, and cast its silvery glow like a lime-light, over the spectacle. Captain Macpherson groaned. "Mr. O'Brien!" he called loudly. "Aye, aye, sir." "How long do you give her?" "Half an hour, sir." The master shook his head. "She'll nae last that long."

It seems to me that, from another point of view, I am doing my duty, and giving the younger generation more room getting out of the lime-light, so to speak, which, between you and me, was getting trying for my mental complexion. If I have blundered, the consequences be on my own head. My hair could hardly be whiter that's something. Besides, retreat is not cut off.

I hope to be able to prove, what I firmly hold, both from my own personal experience and experiment, as I have already related in the Nineteenth Century, that there is no such thing as a potent mesmeric influence, no such power resident in any one person more than another; that a glass of water, a tree, a stick, a penny-post letter, or a lime-light can mesmerize as effectually as can any individual.

We became very friendly almost immediately after I entered the Senate. One bond of friendship between us from the beginning was, we each had a senior colleague a celebrated General of Civil War fame Hawley, of Connecticut and Logan, of Illinois. Senator Platt and I necessarily were compelled to take what might be termed a back seat, our colleagues being almost always in the lime-light.

Nina that is, Grace Mainwaring carefully opened the casement at which she was supposed to be standing. A flood of moonlight lime-light, rather fell on her; but Lionel could not see how she looked the part, because her back was towards him.

Beauty, the cynic's scoff, is in the eye of the beholder, or in an angle of vision mere product of lime-light, point of view, desire but Beulah Sands's was beauty beyond cavil, superior to all analysis, as definite as the evening star against the twilight sky.

On Monday my good friend Chamberlin, The Listener of The Transcript filled his column with a long review of my heretical harangue. With one leap I had reached the lime-light of conservative Boston's disapproval! Chamberlin, himself a "philosophical anarchist," was pleased with the individualistic note which ran through my harangue.