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"Really, it was kind of you, you know very kind of you indeed. And I know that I can quite understand that er your kindness...." "Ran away with me. And now poor little Teddy will get into worse trouble for letting me...." "Oh no," said Mr. Lewisham, perceiving an opportunity and trying not to smile his appreciation of what he was saying.

Well, considering your experience, say docks." Lewisham's face flushed irregularly. He did not answer. He scowled and tugged at the still by no means ample moustache. "Compromise, you know," said Mr. Blendershin, watching him kindly. "Compromise." For the first time in his life Lewisham faced the necessity of telling a lie in cold blood.

The next day Lewisham was too full of engagements to communicate with Lagune, but the following morning he called and found the psychic investigator busy with the proofs of Hesperus. He welcomed the young man cordially nevertheless, conceiving him charged with the questions that had been promised long ago it was evident he knew nothing of Lewisham's marriage.

"No I'm afraid I don't," said Lewisham. "I must lend it to you," she said. "It's splendid. It goes to the very bottom of this business." "Does it?" "It never occurred to me before. But I see the point clearly now. If people, poor people, are offered money if phenomena happen, it's too much. They are bound to cheat. It's bribery immorality!"

He and I and a lady. Hypnotic " "I should look at my cheque-book if I were you." Lagune produced some keys and got out his cheque book. He turned over the counterfoils. "There's nothing wrong here," he said, and handed the book to Lewisham. "Um," said Lewisham. "I suppose this I say, is this right?"

"There is always someone about," said the superintendent registrar. "And they are quite used to it." Thursday and Friday Lewisham passed in exceedingly high spirits. No consciousness of the practical destruction of the Career seems to have troubled him at this time. Doubt had vanished from his universe for a space. He wanted to dance along the corridors.

They lunched on cutlets stripped the cutlets to the bone and little crisp brown potatoes, and they drank between them a whole half bottle of some white wine or other, Lewisham selected in an off-hand way from the list. Neither of them had ever taken wine at a meal before. One-and-ninepence it cost him, Sir, and the name of it was Capri!

Quite crossly he spoke for him. "I'd rather have a good sensible actin' stummik than a full head," said Mrs. Monday, "any day." "I'm different, you see," snapped Mr. Lewisham, and relapsed into silence and gloom. Mr. Bonover, having fully matured a Hint suitable for the occasion, dropped it in the afternoon, while Lewisham was superintending cricket practice.

And, I was thinking sometimes one hears of things. What is your address? So that if I heard of anything." Lewisham stopped on the staircase and thought. "Of course," he said. He made no effort to give her the address, and she demanded it again at the foot of the stairs. "That confounded nephridium !" he said. "It has put everything out of my head."

She had bought such publications during seasons of affluence, but chiefly, as she now deplored, with an eye to the trimming of hats and such like vanities. The sooner the typewriter came the better. It occurred to Lewisham with unpleasant suddenness that he had not allowed for the purchase of a typewriter in his estimate of their resources. It brought their "law" down to twelve or thirteen weeks.