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So much has to be considered. However ... But you'd do well to get a diploma and make yourself efficient. Though that's looking ahead." He spoke of looking ahead with an apologetic laugh as though it was an amiable weakness of his. He turned from such abstruse matters and furnished Lewisham with the particulars of the college diplomas, and proceeded to other possibilities.

Lewisham. was astonished overwhelmed almost by that Reckoning, as it slowly and steadily unfolded itself. The wonderful emotions of Saturday carried him through Sunday, and he made it up with the neglected Schema by assuring it that She was his Inspiration, and that he would work for Her a thousand times better than he could possibly work for himself.

Then he looked up again, speaking in the same equal voice. "I presume we are civilised persons prepared to manage our affairs in a civilised way. My stepdaughter vanishes for two nights and returns with an alleged husband. I at least am not disposed to be careless about her legal position." "You ought to know her better " began Lewisham.

"Oh! at that rate anyone's a Christian," said Lewisham. "We all think it's right to do right and wrong to do wrong." "But we don't all do it," said Mrs. Lewisham, taking up the cornflowers again. "No," said Lewisham, a little taken aback by the feminine method of discussion. "We don't all do it certainly."

But Lewisham did not see them, because he was looking at Ethel's face. "Did you see?" said the other girl, a little maliciously. "Mr. Lewisham wasn't it?" said Miss Heydinger in a perfectly indifferent tone. Miss Heydinger sat in the room her younger sisters called her "Sanctum."

When Lagune came to the question of his real identity he blew out his cheeks in the most astonishing way, but made no other sign. "Dear, dear!" he said at last. "My bankers!" He looked at Lewisham with the exaggerated mildness of his spectacled eye. "What do you think it means?" he asked. "Has he gone mad? We have been conducting some experiments involving considerable mental strain.

It will never do to let her know how little I know about things.... I wish I knew more." At the time Lewisham regarded her confession of domestic ignorance as a fine basis for facetiousness. He developed a fresh line of thought, and condoled with her on the inglorious circumstances of their wedding.

"She's not thought about them. I suppose there's a sort of difference in education " "And she objects ?" "No," said Lewisham, lying promptly. "She doesn't object ..." "Well?" said Miss Heydinger, and her face was white. "She feels that She feels she does not say, of course, but I know she feels that it is something she ought to share. I know how she cares for me.

He heard Lagune's voice next him speaking with a peculiar quality of breathless reverence, "The alphabet?" he asked, "shall we shall we use the alphabet?" A forcible rap under the table. "No!" interpreted the voice of the Medium. The raps were continued everywhere. Of course it was trickery, Lewisham endeavoured to think what the mechanism was.

As Lewisham peered doubtfully at the dim faces near him, a girl's voice addressed him by name. "Is that you, Miss Heydinger?" he answered. "I didn't see, I hope you have had a pleasant vacation." When he arrived at the top of the building he stood aside for the only remaining passenger to step out before him.