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He was the author of several works, which elicited the admiration of Malherbe and other distinguished writers. Guy, Comte de Laval, was the brother of the Duc de la Trémouille. Bernard, Hist, de Louis XIII, book i. Sismondi, Hist. des Français, vol. xxii. p. 296. Bernard, book iv. Additions aux Mémoires de Castelnau, book vi. pp. 455-457. Richelieu, Hist, de la Mère et du Fils, vol. i. p. 284.

In the cathedral is his portrait along with that of his second wife, Jeanne de Laval. In the place is his statue, a mediocre work, holding a bunch of Muscat grapes, a species he first introduced to Europe. I sought in vain at Aix for a photograph of the Merry Monarch taken from the authentic picture, and was offered one from the characterless statue, which I declined.

'Louis Laval, said I, thinking that it might sound less dangerous in this plebeian form. 'Whither are you going? 'I wish to reach some shelter. 'You are from England? 'I am from the coast. He shook his head slowly to show me how little my replies had satisfied him. 'You cannot come in here, said he. 'But surely 'No, no, it is impossible.

But the spirit was different. Quebec believed that safety lay in control by the Church, and this control it still maintains. Massachusetts came in time to believe that safety lay in freeing education from any spiritual authority. Today Laval University at Quebec and Harvard University at Cambridge represent the outcome of these differing modes of thought.

This pleasure was dashed, however, by the quizzical attitude of the natives of his ancestral parish, who walked round about inspecting him as though he were a zoological specimen, and who criticized his accent he who had been at Laval for one whole term; who had had special instruction before that time from the Old Cure and a Jesuit brother; and who had been the friend of musicians and philosophers!

Of the five railway-lines meeting at Le Mans only two were available, that running to Rennes via Laval, and that running to Angers. I find from a report drawn up by M. Piquet a little later, that he managed to send off twenty-five trains, some of them drawn by two and three engines.

However, this last measure will be mentioned to the King, although a King's letter is not required. We had afterwards a talk, and a long one, about Algiers. Prince Polignac sent a despatch to the Duc de Laval, giving explanations satisfactory upon the whole, but mixed up with matter accusatory of us. Of this despatch the Duc de Laval was not authorised to give a copy.

Dimmerly stopped, took off his spectacles, and coolly wiped them as he said: "I'm through, and my part of the story is true. This Giles de Laval, or, as he is better known in French history, the Marshal de Retz, destroyed hundreds of children, at ages varying from eight to eighteen, and in ways far worse than I have described. So, Lottie, have you had enough of high tragedy?"

But all that was forgotten as I, the only de Laval of the new generation, dropped upon my knees upon her sacred soil, and, with the strong smell of the seaweed in my nostrils, pressed my lips upon the wet and pringling gravel.

Unfortunately, they allowed themselves to be so influenced by M. de Frontenac, in spite of repeated warnings from Mgr. de Laval, that they espoused the cause of the governor in the disputes between the latter and the intendant, Duchesneau.