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"I'm your general manager and I'm ready at all times to earn my salary. If you think it best to take me away from the estate for a junketing trip and make me play cards you can do it of course; but if you think I'm here to throw my money overboard I'm going back to-morrow!" "Nonsense," said Portlaw; "you're not going back.

Sedley got drunk on the bowl of rack punch, still Vauxhall, like Ranelagh and Cremorne, has come down to us with tainted reputation. It died in the odour of brimstone, and only in the magical ink-pool of literature can we still behold the heralded gallants in the boxes junketing with low-bodiced ladies of quality whose patches show piquantly on their damask cheeks.

"Of course, I believe you; but it's odd the office didn't know you were here. They told me you and your mother and sisters were abroad, but that your father was in town. A personal item in the 'Courier' this morning said that you were all in the Hartz Mountains." "I dare say it did! The newspapers keep them all pretty well before the public. But I've had enough junketing.

Doris explained while she set up her easel that for the first time in their lives she and Arthur had been seeing something of the great world, and mildly "doing" the season. Arthur was now continuing the season in Scotland, while she had stayed at home to work and rest. Throughout her talk, she avoided mentioning the Dunstables. "H'm!" said Uncle Charles, "so you've been junketing!"

I haven't much heart for junketing myself, but I shall be up yonder this afternoon if I'm spared." Lilac passed quickly on, nodding and smiling in return to the greetings which met her.

It is better than lying a-bed half the day, and junketing and card-playing all the night, and making yourselves wholly useless to every good purpose in your own families, as is now the fashion among ye. The duce take you all that do so, say I! Only that, thank my stars, I am a bachelor. Then this is a province you are admirably versed in: you grieve that it is taken from you here, you know.

Old Evelyn then narrates how he and his noble friend took the lovely diner out on a junketing, and got shot at with blunderbusses from the gondola of an infuriated rival. Opera progressed toward a fixed status with a swiftness hardly paralleled in the history of any art.

"There is all manner of official junketing on here now. I am not, of course, to be officially included, as I am not on the staff of either the visiting or commanding general. I must wait until I am invited if I am!" he hesitatingly said. "You know that my rank is to say the least shadowy!" The lady passed over this semi-confession in silence.

It was for the junketing party that the transport had called in at Honolulu, and it was to the junketing party that Honolulu was saying good-bye. The Senators were garlanded and bedecked with flowers. Senator Jeremy Sambrooke's stout neck and portly bosom were burdened with a dozen wreaths.

I hate scandal at least I am not so fond of it as the lady of whom it was said she could not see the poker and tongs standing together without suspecting something wrong! I wonder where our ideas, especially those of a playful sort, go at some times? and how it is that they all come junketing back faster than there is room for them at other times?