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He had just left, having stayed to listen to our proceedings and had told her the two gentlemen had in consequence of the scene witnessed initiated the women into the double jouissance, and the excitement of listening and hearing had enabled him once more to get into the handsomest boy, and have the other in him.

The pause I gave him after being fully engulphed calmed the strange sensation, and we gradually increased our movements until both died away in excessive delight, especially to him, for it was his first experience of la double jouissance, and it gave him such exquisite enjoyment that he begged me not to withdraw, but to run a second course.

So, although it was but the second time she had indulged in the double jouissance, yet her lust enabled her to take in with greater ease my big prick in her arsehole, with the Count's fine prick in front, than when our parts were reversed.

"Whenever I see a sunset, I find it to be a splendid fact, une jouissance vraie, Monsieur, to think that men can paint, that these shades, which are spontaneous in the heavens, and fleeting, can be rivalled by us and made permanent, that man is more potent than light." "But you are all wrong in your jouissance."

An acquaintance begun so delightfully led to a warm friendship and a constant interchange of these most agreeable refinements, including every variety of the gamahuche and la double jouissance to all parties. We all went together to witness some rear-operations between two men, for which the old bawd's house, No. 60, rue de Rivoli, was quietly known to be the rendezvous.

The Egerton still suffered a little in the double stretching, so that we ran but one exquisite bout, enabling us, whose powers began to fail to be re-excited, to finish with the double jouissance in the glorious body of the Frankland. We carried this on until the midsummer holidays, when at their desire I introduced the Benson, Egerton, Frankland, and the Count to my uncle, aunt, Mrs.

"La jouissance et les desirs Sont ce que l'homme a de plus rare; Mais ce ne sons pas vrais plaisirs Des le moment qu'on les separe." I have translated this epigram into Italian and Latin; in the latter language I was almost able to render Lafontaine line for line; but I had to use twenty lines of Italian to translate the first ten lines of the French.

Aussi ai-je eprouve a etre loue par un pareil homme une jouissance infiniment plus vive que celle qu'auraient pu me procurer des eloges beaucoup plus hyperboliques, mais moins competents. "Cet homme, je suppose que c'est vous.

"La jouissance et les desirs Sont ce que l'homme a de plus rare; Mais ce ne sons pas vrais plaisirs Des le moment qu'on les separe." I have translated this epigram into Italian and Latin; in the latter language I was almost able to render Lafontaine line for line; but I had to use twenty lines of Italian to translate the first ten lines of the French.

Upon finding this I gradually descanted on the exquisite delights of the double jouissance with two male pricks, filling with ecstasies indescribable the two apertures at once. When once I had excited their desires on this point, I mentioned my dear friend MacCallum More, as one in whom we could all confide, and with some little hesitation obtained their consent to introduce him.