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Seventy pounds is a large sum." "Yes, but soon spent, Tim. We must work a little longer. Besides, I cannot leave that little girl she was never intended for a rope-dancer." "I am glad to hear you say that, Japhet, for I feel as you do she shall share our fortunes." "A glorious prospect truly," replied I, laughing; "but never mind, it would be better than her remaining here.

I took the piece of paper containing the present, and having promised all she required, "This is the last yes the very last time that I may behold this scene," continued Nattée, surveying the common, the tents, and the animals browsing. "Be it so; Japhet, good-night, may you prosper!" She then turned away and entered her tent; and soon afterwards I followed her example.

"Summon your regiment and I will give them," she answered, and seated herself on a bench by the fire, we three and Japhet standing behind her. The commander issued orders to his captains, and presently the Mountaineers formed up on three sides of a square above us, to the number of a little over five hundred men.

And it appears that Japhet, always an enterprising person, built a city of his own on the Palatine Hill. There is the Palatine, somewhat cluttered up with modern buildings of the Cæsars, but essentially, in its outlines, as Japhet saw it. But there were other pioneers to be remembered. "Saturn, being shamefully entreated by his son Jupiter," founded a city on the Capitoline Hill.

"And sure enough there was a Timothy in the other shop, for I heard the boy call the other by the name; however, it's no matter if it took off the skin, it also took away the thumbago, so the morning to you, Mr Pottykary." When the Irishman departed, we made our appearance. "Japhet, did you sell a plaster to an Irishman?" "Yes don't you recollect, last Saturday? and I gave you the shilling."

"Dearest Japhet, thy father will be much displeased." "I cannot help it," replied I "I shall submit to his displeasure." "Nay, but, Japhet, why risk thy father's wrath?" "Well, then," replied I, attempting to reach her lips, "I will go." "Nay, nay indeed, Japhet, you exact too much it is not seemly." "Then I won't go." "Recollect about thy father." "It is you who detain me, Susannah."

So the French must have fled before the terrible longbows of the English at Crécy and Poitiers, for, in fact, we were taking part in just such a mediæval battle. Oliver, who was watching intently, went to Japhet and whispered something in his ear. He nodded and ran to seek the commander of the regiment.

"You shall direct me into the right path, Susannah," replied I. "I am too young to be a guide, Japhet," replied she, smiling; "but not too young, I hope, to be a friend." The next day my clothes came home, and I put them on. I looked at myself in the glass, and was anything but pleased; but as my head was shaved, it was of little consequence what I wore; so I consoled myself.

"I have been too precipitate," said Mr Masterton, going to her assistance; "but joy does not kill. Ring for some water, Japhet." In which, if the reader does not sympathise with the parties, he had better shut the book.

Old Foster was in the chair and the place seemed full of familiar faces; the butcher who was troubled about slaughter-houses sat side by side with the man who was uneasy about his deceased wife's sister; Japhet Williams was on the platform and his men sat in close ranks at the back of the hall, they and Dunn's contingent hard-by smoking their pipes as the custom was at Henstead.