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Updated: August 17, 2024

Senna is an admirable aperient for a child, and is a safe one, which is more than can be said of many others. Of course, you yourself will be able, from time to time, as the need arises, to add the milk and the sugar, and thus to make it palatable. Some mothers are in the habit of giving their children jalap gingerbread.

The chief vegetable purgatives are aloes, colocynth, gamboge, jalap, scammony, seeds of castor-oil plant, croton-oil, elaterium, the hellebores, and colchicum. All these have, either alone or combined, proved fatal. The active principle in aloes is aloin; of jalap, jalapin; of white hellebore, veratria; and of colchicum, colchicin.

And long after it was found to be a mistake, hundreds and thousands of the old physicians clung to it, carried around with them, in one pocket, a bottle of jalap, and in the other a rusty lancet, sorry that they couldn't find some patient idiotic enough to allow the experiment to be made again. So these schools, and these theories, and these religions die hard. What else can they do?

Here the Indian corn takes the place of the sugarcane, and I ride through wide fields of the broad-leafed tobacco-plant. Here grow the jalap and the guaiacum, the sweet-scented sassafras and the sanitary copaiba.

Take of camomel 20 grs., jalap powder 20 grs., tartar-emetic 2 grs., and syrup sufficient to form into pills; divide into eight pills. The dose is tow at bed time; repeated in the morning if necessary. This forms an excellent antibilious pill.

Tell that to the oxy chap downstairs and touch him for a guinea. He's stinking with money and thinks you're not a gentleman. His old fellow made his tin by selling jalap to Zulus or some bloody swindle or other. God, Kinch, if you and I could only work together we might do something for the island. Hellenise it. Cranly's arm. His arm. And to think of your having to beg from these swine.

The Doctor's prescription for fever consists of 3 grains of resin of jalap, and 2 grains of calomel, with tincture of cardamoms put in just enough to prevent irritation of the stomach made into the form of a pill which is to be taken as soon as one begins to feel the excessive languor and weariness which is the sure forerunner of the African type of fever.

Bolder," I said, after I had read the despatch. "This has the sound, to me, of a genuine case. Why should this man, prosperous, happily married, and respected, choose suddenly to abandon everything? I know that these lapses of memory do occur, and that men do find themselves adrift without a name, a history or a home." "Oh, gammon and jalap!" said Mr. Bolder. "It's larks they're after.

Thomson declared his distemper to be a dropsy, and evacuated part of the water by tincture of jalap, but confessed that his belly did not subside. Thomson had many enemies, and Pope was persuaded to dismiss him.

The colors and the gilding, the flowers and the emblems, pleased her, and she took the texts sandwiched between as the jalap in the jam. At first she thought it impious to have them there at all, because they were in the Bible, and mamma used to say that good Christians never read the Bible.

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