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His thoughts, however, were not clear, therefore he was glad to find Jagienka alone; the girl received him as usual with a bow and kissed his hand, in a word, she was friendly, but a little sad. "Is your father home?" asked he. "He went out hunting with the abbot. They may be back at any moment."

You, Macko, must regain your health. Jagienka will take care of you, because there is no woman in your house. One can see that you have a piece of iron between your ribs." Here he turned toward Zbyszko: "Show yourself also. Well, mighty God! I remember you when you were small and used to climb on the colts by the help of their tails; and now, what a knight!

Then Jagienka smiled that all of them took the pitch-burner to be the devil, and he thought them to be the same. Anulka and Sieciechowa laughed at Macko's words, when he said: "Your eyes are not yet dry from weeping for Hlawa; now you are laughing?" The Bohemian looked at the girl, he observed her eyelids which were still moist, then he asked: "Did you cry for me?"

The abbot looked threateningly at both of them, and finally he said: "Although I am angry, I know what I am doing; therefore hold what you have, because I assure you that you shall not have one skojeo more." "We did not expect even this." "You know that Jagienka will inherit everything I have." "The land also?" asked Macko, simply. "The land also!" shouted the abbot.

He would not have minded if he longed for Jagienka only as a brother longs for a sister; but he noticed that he longed to embrace her, to put her on horseback, to carry her over the brooks, to wring the water from her tress, to wander with her in the forest, to gaze at her, and to converse with her.

Mighty God!" he said to himself. "In such a case he will be the owner of Spychow, then he will get Jagienka and Moczydoly, and in addition to it he will acquire that which the abbot will bequeath. I would not even spare him wax for candles."

After the conversation with Zbyszko, Jagienka did not appear in Bogdaniec for three days; but on the third day she hurried in with the news that the abbot had arrived at Zgorzelice. Macko received the news with emotion.

At the mention of Szczytno, Jurand did not fall down nor was he overcome as he was when upon the road to that place, but great trouble was depicted upon his face. But Jagienka assured him that Macko was as clever as he was manly, and would not let himself be fooled by anybody. Besides that, he possessed letters from Lichtenstein, which enabled him to travel in safety everywhere.

Zbyszko smiled, not on account of what the armor bearer had said, but at his own thoughts. "The old gentleman will be glad when we return, and in Zgorzelice there will also be joy." Jagienka stood before Zbyszko's eyes as though she were sitting with him in the sleigh. That always happened, whenever he thought of her he saw her very distinctly.

If that were so, you would have long ago become the lady of Bogdaniec!" Upon hearing that, Jagienka looked at him with her lovely blue eyes for a moment, then she approached him, and kissed his hand. "Why do you kiss me?" inquired the old knight. "Nothing.... I only wish to bid you goodnight, because it is getting late and to-morrow we must get up early for our journey."