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He slid it loosely under the sled lashings every morning, thinking that its use could not long be delayed. As for Grant, the carbine dwelt forever in his mind, and his fingers itched for it. He secretly slipped a cartridge into the chamber, and when an occasional ptarmigan offered itself for a target he saw the white spot on the breast of Johnny's reindeer parka, dancing ahead of the Lyman bead.

"He feels like a broadbill, I tell you," I said to Captain Dan. Dan shook his head, yet all the same he looked dubious. Then began a slow, persistent, hard battle between me and the fish, the severity of which I did not realize at the time. In hours like those time has wings. My hands grew hot. They itched, and I wanted to remove the wet gloves.

The natives itched to hit somebody, and could not afford to let slip so good a chance by dilly-dallying over details. They agreed to the terms; but were fortunately herded together again before they could strike a blow. It may have been only a slip of the tongue on the guard's part; but the canons of martial law held such "slips" to be unpardonable.

I have thy key," cried the goodwife, pursuing him. "And oh! what dust in thy room! No wonder thou art troubled with a phthisis!" "Thou didst not arrange anything?" he cried in alarm. "A flick with a feather-brush, as I took in thy letters no more; my hand itched to be at thy papers, but see! not one is in order!"

Frank imprudently exclaimed, "Oh, sir, I have no taste for farming. And after London, at my age, the country would be so horribly dull." "Aha!" said the squire, very grimly and he thrust back into his pocket-book some extra bank-notes which his fingers had itched to add to those he had already counted out. "The country is terribly dull, is it?

"It was hard work to keep from giving him a little unexpected light, for my fingers itched to turn up the gas. However, it was evidently better to wait a little longer and see what he really was up to before we were down on him.

"How are you to get it away, Mas'r Harry?" he said, giving his head a rub, not that it itched, but so as to clear his thoughts, I suppose. "Yes. How are we to get it away?" "Stick direction cards on, same as we did with the soap boxes at home, and shove it aboard ship." "To be stopped as something contraband. No, Tom, that won't do. They would want to know what it was."

Roderick under weigh and that's the end of it, for there goes the bell." The watch changed as he spoke, and I went below to the bathroom; thence, not thinking much of Dan's terror, nor of the men's petty grumbling, I joined the others at breakfast. We were now well towards the end of the journey, and I itched to set foot in America.

Can you not imagine how the glorious scene dazzled the old man, and how his eyes glistened, and his fingers itched to grab at some of the wonderful things and carry them off? He knew that even one only of those flashing goblets would make him rich for ever.

You can imagine they sat on their seats as if they were gridirons, that their feet itched and their posteriors were rather warm.