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Updated: August 28, 2024

All these investors were pouring money as if from a stream, and developing their properties. The greater proportion of the capital so spent was from Victoria, and to this State Western Queensland must be grateful for its development. Of all the then owners I have mentioned, and most of whom were resident on their properties, only one remains John Bostock, of Sesbania.

Husbands are worried about their wives; wives about their husbands; parents about their children; children about their parents. Farmers are worried over their crops; speculators over their gamblings; investors over their investments. Teachers are worried over their pupils, and pupils over their lessons, their grades, and their promotions.

But "bucket-shop" I never kept. As the kings of finance were the representatives of the great merchants, manufacturers and investors, so was I the representative of the masses, of those who wished their small savings properly invested.

He never expected to see the land again. He did not expect that the enterprise would be of the slightest value to those who should invest in it. He expected to do just what others were doing to sell his stock and pocket the proceeds, while investors pocketed their losses.

Tribute to the efficacy of this programme is the fact that more than 1,000,000 English workers purchased the War Loan. Through this procedure they learned, what most of them did not know before, that when you put money out to work it earns more money. It meant that they had become investors and were starting on the road to independence.

But out here business has become a thing of wider import on the instant, and already I am face to face with something stiff and hard on the inside of me that promises not to be very malleable under Madeira's hands. Madeira's hands, my dear boy, are pot-black. The plan that with us was a fair and square enterprise has become with him a clap-trap scheme to rob investors.

To carry out this audacious plan, political influence, public enthusiasm, and the confidence of outside investors in Canada's future were all required and were all forthcoming. Dominion and province vied in aid. This aid took many forms.

That's a lot of trouble. They can make more organizin' a new company and rakin' in money from new investors." Bob swung the team from the main road and put it at a long rise. "There ain't nothin' easier than to drop money into a hole in the ground and call it an oil well," he went on. "Even if the proposition is absolutely on the level, the chances are all against the investor.

Ignoring the differential death-rate of the married as compared with bachelors and widows, it follows that about 4,100 male investors in the licensed trade die each year, of whom some 2,197 will be married men, leaving behind them the same number of widows entirely or partly dependent on these investments. The widows made by drink are nearly six times as many.

Many of the commanding officers had as little knowledge of Kitchener's purpose as the pawns which are moved by the hands of the chess player. The conclusion seems to be that but for De Wet's intrusion the brute force of the investors might possibly have prevailed.

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