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As an instance of hardships of which the poor had to complain, my informant mentioned the case of one very old man, whose children had scattered away over the world, which meant that they had emigrated. He held a small place on a property close beside another property managed by my informant's brother.

"I am married to the sister of Great Night Moth, who was a very brave and active man, but now foolish. But Kahauiti! O! O! O! Ai! Ai! Ai! There he is." I never solved the puzzle of my informant's relation to the man who was his wife's father-in-law, for suddenly I saw the man himself, and knew that I was meeting a personage.

I give my informant's letter exactly as it reached me, though it has been published before in Longman's Magazine: Kling Fire-walk 'Dear Sir, Observing from your note in Longman's Magazine that you have mislaid my notes re fire-walking, I herewith repeat them.

The day after their arrival, according to my informant's story, the Emperor and the Archduke went out with the guns, leaving Admiral von Tirpitz at the lodge with the Archduchess.

Here was a man, who in return for certain information respecting the whereabouts of a marketable commodity had undertaken to find and share it with his informant. The commodity had proved to be valueless, but during the search for it he had incidentally discovered something else. Was he under any obligation to share the latter with his informant's heirs?

The woman was insolent, but she did not chase me as you vulgarly put it, no doubt repeating your informant's words she did not chase me out of doors with a besom. On the contrary, she gave me full opportunity to say what I thought of her." "If you are proposing, Charity Oliver, to retail this story to others, you may drag in a besom if you will.

All his domestics were eager in their inquiries and offers of service; and Fox was so overpowering in his expressions of regret, that all suspicion vanished from Bruin's brain at once; and he attributed his informant's tale to some malicious calumny, invented to save his life and conceal the true cause of the attack upon him.

I should think he knows more of it than anybody." "Well, and you, Sophia Antonovna, what's your theory?" asked Razumov in a tone of great interest. "Yours and your informant's, who is on the spot." "I agree with him. Some police-hound in disguise. Who else could beat a helpless man so unmercifully?

I asked if it was Oliver who shot him, and she nodded. "It was down at the front door; the Squire said he'd shoot him if he shot Charlotte, and Charlotte declared she'd shoot him if he shot the Squire, and all at once he shot at her and struck him." "Who was it that screamed; was it she?" My informant's head drooped low and she murmured, "It was I." "Then you were at the front."

In each case which I heard abroad, my informant's husband or brother or best friend had seen the children; but somehow or other it was never arranged that I could see one of them myself. This type of cruelty was so widely talked about that in plenty of cases the German soldiers believed that some of their men had committed these crimes.