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"But aren't we, behind all that," said Barthrop, "an intensely sentimental nation?" "Yes," said Father Payne, "but that's a fault really we don't believe in real justice, only in picturesque justice. We are hopeless individualists. We melt into tears over a child that is lost, or a dog that howls; and we let all sorts of evil systems and arrangements grow and flourish.

The men of Red Cow were individualists, and recognized as sacred but two things, property and life. There were no women present to complicate their simple morality.

I hold that we would begin by admitting the immense value of the lesson taught by the old individualists, if that be their right name.

Of course it's a shame; but that is the only way the race has ever got on: by the strong, because they were strong, going under for the weak, because they were weak. Otherwise we'd all be living, to this day, in hell." "I know; I know." Havelock's voice was touched with emotion. "That's the convention invented by individualists, for individualists. All sorts of people would see it that way, still.

Of course there were always the Jolly Lads to watch out for the extreme individualists, space-twisted and wild. Robbing and murdering could seem easier than digging. Take your loot into Pallastown who knew you hadn't grubbed it, yourself? Sell it. Get the stink blown off you forget some terrible things that had happened to you. Have yourself a time. Strike Out again. Repeat...

Dimly, for he was not accustomed to thinking along these lines, he perceived the numbing truth that we human beings are merely as many pieces in a jig-saw puzzle and that our every movement affects the fortunes of some other piece. Just so, faintly at first and taking shape by degrees, must the germ of civic spirit have come to Prehistoric Man. We are all individualists till we wake up.

We cannot, of course, neglect the intellectual influence of Ibsen and Nietzsche, Wagner and Samuel Butler, the individualists and aristocrats who corrected the mob-sentiment of old-fashioned socialism; but these and similar influences matured in him through his Fabianism. Bernard Shaw, of the Fabian Society, ceased to be a private citizen.

"But I am at least logical in that philosophy, and the individualists who attend the churches to-day are not. The inconsistency of their lives is what makes those of us who do not go to church doubt the efficacy of their creed, which seems to have no power to change them. The majority of people in St. John's are no more Christians than I am.

He represents 'accumulated labour' in some fashion, but it is not plain that the slice which he takes out of the whole cake is proportioned accurately to his personal labour. The right and the fact which coincided in the deer and beaver period have somehow come to diverge. Here, then, we are at a point common to the two opposing schools. Both are absolute 'individualists' in different senses.

The result is that women, as a class, have become as much individualized as the men, and oftentimes are as great practical individualists. No one would claim that the emancipation of woman, in the sense of freeing her from those things which have prevented the highest and best development of her personality, is not desirable.