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Suppose we take a stroll together. 'But you never walk out in the daytime. 'Not often; indeed, I may say never, unless it is to go to the Zoo, or to Jamrach's, which I do about once in three months. 'Jamrach's! I said. 'Why, he's the importer of animals, isn't he?

The quantity of goods in store being at all times readily known, it would enable the importer with an approach to accuracy to ascertain the actual wants of the market and to regulate himself accordingly.

That importer certainly will never contribute toward a society for the purpose of eradicating the "Black Hand" from the city of New York. He says it is the greatest thing he knows. But the genuine Camorrist or Mafius' would be highly indignant at being called a "Black Hander."

Only think, Charles Kingsley wrote "Westward Ho!" in it, and it is such a quaint and beautiful room, it must have given him inspiration. You see, the hotel used to be the house of a merchant prince who was a great importer of tobacco in Queen Elizabeth's days; so it isn't strange that it should have many fine rooms; but the one where Kingsley wrote is the best.

I don't see myself as a Fan Importer, a Glass Beveller, a Hotel Broker, an Insect Exterminator, a Junk Dealer, a Kalsomine Manufacturer, a Laundryman, a Mausoleum Architect, a Nurse, an Oculist, a Paper-Hanger, a Quilt Designer, a Roofer, a Ship Plumber, a Tinsmith, an Undertaker, a Veterinarian, a Wig Maker, an X-ray apparatus manufacturer, a Yeast producer, or a Zinc Spelter."

"We have not quite got to the bottom of that, yet," replied Sowerby; "but he is an agent of some kind, and evidently in a large way of business, as he runs a very fine car, and seems to live principally in different hotels. I am told that he is an importer of Turkish cigarettes and"... "He is an importer and exporter of hashish!" snapped Dunbar irritably.

Luther Barr, the famous ivory importer," he said, with far more respect in his tones than he had used to the boys; whom indeed, he looked upon as talented chaps, but still boys which to men of his caliber is an infallible sign that anything such youthful persons may attempt is extremely likely to go wrong.

"I'm all attention," said Williams, as the two young men stepped forth upon the pavement. "Well, you must know," began Lawson, "that I have a first rate love affair on my hands." "You!" "Now don't smile; but hear me." "Go on I'm all attention." "You know old Everett?" "Thomas Everett, the silk importer?" "The same." "I know something about him."

But everyone must see that the invoice may be fabricated and the oath by which it is supported false, by reason of which the dishonest importer pays a part only of the duties which are paid by the honest one, and thus indirectly receives from the Treasury of the United States a reward for his fraud and perjury.

"Lathrop says he is an ivory importer," suggested Harry. "Easy to find out," said the resourceful Billy. "Where's the 'phone book?" Frank handed the volume to him from its hook beside the instrument. "Ah here we are," exclaimed Billy, as he ran his finger triumphantly down the "B" list. "Barr, Luther that's our man, eh? Ivory importer, offices No. 42 Wall Street home, White Plains."