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Updated: August 18, 2024

It means a sign o' mourning the yards bein' canted opposite ways, to look drunk an' disorderly. They do. "'An' what might our last giddy-go-round signify? I asks of 'Op. "'Good 'Evins! 'e says, 'Are you in that habit o' permittin' leathernecks to assassinate lootenants every morning at drill without immejitly 'avin' 'em shot on the foc'sle in the horrid crawly-crawly twilight?"

Gentlemen all: whenst we find where this here creek comes out into daylight again we're a-going to find the hoss-captain and the whole enduring passel o' redskins and redcoats, immejitly, if not sooner!" What comment this startling announcement would have evoked I know not, for at the moment of its utterance the Catawba went flat upon the ground, making most urgent signs for us to do likewise.

"There's a whole clanjamfrey o' the varmints a-coming down the trace, and I reckon ez how we'd better scratch gravel immejitly, if not sooner!" Luckily for us the new danger was approaching from the westward.

But you must not stop for me, or for Jeanne, till 'tis safe to do so." "Safe? Lord love ye, child! 'safe' is a word beyond us yit, and will be till we sot ye down on your daddy's door-stone. But we'll make out to give ye a bite and sup and forty winks o' sleep immejitly, if not sooner, now."

They have theirs on Thursday nights and it's as good as a play to hear them shout and sing and carry on. You'll enjoy the Come-Outers, Mr. Ellery. They're a perfect delight." And as they rose to go Captain Elkanah asked: "Is there anything you'd like done about the parsonage, Mr. Ellery? If so, it shall be done immejitly. How are you satisfied with your housekeeper?"

"I haven't done anything to them," whined Kaliko, trembling as her eyes flashed upon him. "No; but you tried to, an' that's just as bad, if not worse," said Dorothy, who was very indignant. "And now I want you to send for the King and Queen of Pingaree and have them brought here immejitly!" "I won't," said Kaliko. "Yes, you will!" cried Dorothy, stamping her foot at him.

"I haven't done anything to them," whined Kaliko, trembling as her eyes flashed upon him. "No; but you tried to, an' that's just as bad, if not worse," said Dorothy, who was very indignant. "And now I want you to send for the King and Queen of Pingaree and have them brought here immejitly!" "I won't," said Kaliko. "Yes, you will!" cried Dorothy, stamping her foot at him.

And I try not to say 'immejitly, too," she added, with a mischievous twinkle. Ellery recognized the "immejitly" quotation and laughed. "I never heard but one person say that," he observed. "And he isn't a Come-Outer." "No, he isn't. Well, this lesson in English can't be very interesting to you, Mr. Ellery, and I must go.

If you'll look 'em over, maybe you'll find out, immejitly if not sooner, that Cap'n John here is telling ye the plumb truth." The papers were examined hastily, and presently John Sevier lighted upon the despatch I had carried and delivered. Thereat the colonels put their heads together; and then my case was re-opened, with Sevier as spokesman.

"The partition line that was made immejitly aafter the war, dividin' the estate between Miss Ann Caarter and yo'self, Colonel, was also tuk from this survey." Fitz conferred with the agent for a moment and then asked the colonel where lay the deposit of coal of which he had spoken. "In a moment, my dear Fitz," said the colonel, deprecatingly, and turning to the agent:

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