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Updated: August 12, 2024

A temporary committee was chosen to handle the work of the defense of the imprisoned men, and this committee acted until November 16th, at which time at a mass meeting of I. W. W. members Herbert Mahler was elected secretary of the Everett Prisoners' Defense Committee, Charles Ashleigh, publicity agent, and W. J. Houser, Morris Levine and Thomas Murphy as the committee.

"Are all the Ocean House boarders weak-minded nowadays?" asked the depot master. Mr. Wingate answered the question. "My land!" he snapped; "would they board at the Ocean House if they WA'N'T weak-minded?" Captain Bailey did not deign to reply to this jibe. He continued calmly: "This feller wa'n't an Ocean Houser, though.

Anna Cassangese, New Albany; Mrs. Margaret Williamson, Red Key; Dr. Emma G. Holloway, North Manchester, vice-presidents; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Katharine Hoffman, Logansport; member National Executive Committee, Mrs. Leach; standing committees, Legislation, Mrs. Leach; Church, Mrs. Alice Judah Clark, Vincennes; Endorsement, Mrs. Harriet Houser; Press, Mrs. Neff, both of Logansport.

'Don't be a fool, said the Babe. 'There would be a fearful row about it if you were found out. You'd get extras for the rest of your life. 'Well, the final Houser comes off on a Thursday, so it won't affect that. 'Yes, but still 'I shall think about it, said Charteris. 'You needn't go telling anyone. 'If you'll take my advice, you'll drop it.

If he fled to the Babe for sympathy now, the Babe would be just as likely as not to suggest that he should come for a ten-mile spin with him, to get him into condition for the final Houser. The very thought of a ten-mile spin made Charteris feel faint. Lastly, there was Tony. But Tony's company was worse than none at all. He went about with his arm in a sling, and declined to be comforted.

I afterwards learned that that brave Rebel boy was my own brother, Dave, who at that time was not more than sixteen years old. The one who was killed was named Grimes, and the one captured was named Houser, and the regiment was the First Tennessee Cavalry, then commanded by Colonel J. H. Lewis. You could have heard the cheers from both sides, it seemed, for miles.

Sharp as needles, too. I noticed a few threads pulled out of my sleeve. And once when he got a good grip on Vee's skirt he made a rip three inches long. But he was so cunnin' about it we only laughed. "You young rough houser!" I'd say, and push him over.

THOMAS MURPHY, CHARLES ASHLEIGH, WM. J. HOUSER, RICHARD SMITH, HERBERT MAHLER, Sec'y-Treas." Seattle, Wash., June 12th, 1917. The facts in this case speak pretty well for themselves. To draw conclusions at length would be an impertinence. He who runs may read the signs of decay of Capitalism, the crumbling of a social system based upon the slavery and degradation of the vast majority of mankind.

"I say, old man, if we'd only been able to bottle up Jim Cotton along with his chum! What price Biffen's for the Houser, then?" "If" said Wilson, wistfully. "Wouldn't the dervishes walk into Taylor's bowling, if Bully wasn't there to sling them in?"

Owing to a death in the family, President and Mrs. Francis were unable to be present. Mr. D. M. Houser, of the Board of Directors, represented President Francis. There were no formal speeches, Governor Odell simply regretting that President Francis could not be present.

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