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Best of all, a message from the Army Commander, Sir Henry Horne, with whom we had made friends in 1917, just before the capture of the Vimy Ridge, in which the First Army played so brilliant a part. We hastily change our travel gear, a car comes for us, and soon we find ourselves at the General's table in the midst of an easy flow of pleasant talk.

Carey's relation to the new era The East India Company's Charters of 1793, 1813, and 1833 His double influence on the churches and public opinion The great missionary societies Missionary journals and their readers Bengal and India recognised as the most important mission fields Influence on Robert Haldane Reflex effect of foreign on home missions Carey's power over individuals Melville Horne and Douglas of Cavers Henry Martyn Charles Simeon and Stewart of Moulin Robert Hall and John Foster Heber and Chalmers William Wilberforce on Carey Mr.

And lastly it may be added that Bishop Horne made himself thoroughly familiar with a kindred work by the same author on 'Christian Perfection' and was wont to express the greatest admiration of it.

"'That, my dear young lady, I said, gently, 'is more than I or anybody else can ever explain to you." Mr. X flicked a crumb off the front of his coat. "And that was strictly true as to her. Though Horne, for instance, understood very well; and so did I, especially after we had been to Sevrin's lodging in a dismal back street of an intensely respectable quarter.

R. Horne that, it is "inseparable from a full or fair exercise of the genius of our language in versification."

Among his subjects are Bryant, Cooper, Pauldings, Hawthorne, Willis, Longfellow, Verplanck, Bush, Anthon, Hoffman, Cornelius Mathews, Henry B. Hirst, Mrs. Oakes Smith, Mrs. Hewitt, Mrs. Lewis, Margaret Fuller, Miss Sedgwick, and many more of this country, beside Macaulay, Bulwer, Dickens, Horne, Miss Barrett, and some dozen others of England. Mr.

He was dark and well dressed in a light holiday fashion, and Fisher recognized him at once as a young man named James Bullen, called, for some unknown reason, Bunker. He was the nephew of Sir Isaac; but, what was much more important at the moment, he was also the private secretary of the Prime Minister. "Hullo, Bunker!" observed Horne Fisher. "You're the sort of man I wanted to see.

An English jury fortunately showed itself less subservient than the Scottish; the judge was scrupulously fair: and both Hardy and Horne Tooke were acquitted. The societies, however, though they were encouraged for a time, were attacked by severe measures passed by Pitt in 1795.

"Yes she began with 'a little aversion'! One of the stock openings," laughed Horne. "Well, ta-ta. I'm not going to stay to listen to you talking bosh any more," said Peter roughly. "There's the next dance beginning." He flung away. Horne resumed his pacing. He was very sorry for Peter, whose plight was plain to all the world. But it was better he should be warned.

Dudley Horne?" said the man. "These are his rooms, but Mr. Horne is not here." "You are a friend of his, sir?" "Yes. My name is Wedmore." If the man had had a momentary doubt about him, it was by this time dispelled. He stepped inside the door. "I must have a look round, if you please, sir." Max held his ground. "I have a warrant for Mr. Horne's arrest." Max staggered back.