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Cyril took the document eagerly, and was breaking out with some commonplace about pious benevolence, when the Jew stopped him. 'Your Holiness's compliments are unnecessary. It is to your office, not to yourself, that this business relates.

"Monsieur de la Choue," said he, "has shown me so much kindness and is so anxious to know the fate reserved to my book as if, indeed, it were his own that I should have been very happy to convey to him an expression of your Holiness's approval." However, the Pope continued wiping his mouth and did not reply.

Gregory was at this time at Canosa, a fortress beyond Naples, which was surrounded with three walls. Henry, without any attendant, was admitted within the first wall. Here he was required to cast off all the symbols of royalty, to put on a hair-shirt, and to wait barefoot his holiness's pleasure.

The letter of thanks which the prince's father wrote to the Pope shows how great were the honors with which the son had been received. The duke says: MOST HOLY FATHER AND LORD, MY HONORED MASTER: I kiss your Holiness's feet and commend myself to you in all humility.

As it happened, the casting of the parts took place the very evening on which his Holiness's Encyclical was published, so that the gentlemen were somewhat excited. Monsieur de Saint P. took high ground, really very high ground; indeed, I thought for a moment that the General was going to flare out.

How could I lend him aught?" "Your holiness's money had been all carried off by them before," said the intendant, who knew, and none better, the exact contrary. "Just so all my scanty savings! desolate in my lone old age.

All I ask is my husband's liberty. 'Your husband, madam, appears to have broken my nephew's nose, replied the Cardinal, with the utmost gravity. 'Moreover, Alberto is not only my own nephew by blood, but His Holiness's also, both in fact, as the son of the Pope's niece, Donna Lucia, and also by formal adoption. I doubt whether His Holiness will easily overlook such an offence.

Having arrived at this moment, I desire as a Christian, although I am a sinner, to ask your Holiness, in your mercy, to give me all possible spiritual consolation and your Holiness's blessing for my soul. Therefore I offer myself to you in all humility and commend my husband and my children, all of whom are your servants, to your Holiness's mercy. In Ferrara, June 22, 1519, at the fourteenth hour.

The Author, relying upon his Holiness's Generosity, as also on some private Overtures which he had received from him, made the Discovery himself; upon which the Pope gave him the Reward he had promised, but at the same time, to disable the Satyrist for the future, ordered his Tongue to be cut out, and both his Hands to be chopped off. Aretine is too trite an instance. Every

"Then Senor Ambasciatore speaks a heavy back-country dialect called Extramaduran," replied Rampolla del Tindaro, bending over to His Holiness's ear. The Spanish press has made a resolution, now of long standing, to speak nothing but a back-country dialect called Extramaduran. Our Journalists Our journalists supply the measure of our journals.