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'I recommend you to ring that bell, and have Mrs. Culling here. 'If she comes she will hear what I think of her. 'Then, out of the house! 'Very well, sir. You decline to supply me with money? 'I do. 'I must have it! 'I dare say. Money's a chain-cable for holding men to their senses. 'I ask you, my lord, how I am to carry on Holdesbury? 'Give it up.

The end of it was that all three flew apart, for Cecil confessed to having a temper, and in contempt of him for the admission wrung out of him, Lord Avonley had pricked it. My lord went down to Steynham, Beauchamp to Holdesbury, and Captain Baskelett to his quarters; whence in a few days he repaired penitently to my lord the most placable of men when a full submission was offered to him.

He told Mr. Romfrey that he should be glad to meet Colonel Halkett and Cecilia. Business called him to Holdesbury. Thence he betook himself to Dr. Shrapnel's cottage to say farewell to Jenny Denham previous to her departure for Switzerland with her friend Clara Sherwin.

Cecilia's reveries fled like columns of mist before the gale when tidings reached her of a positive rupture between Lord Avonley and Nevil Beauchamp, and of the mandate to him to quit possession of Holdesbury and the London house within a certain number of days, because of his refusal to utter an apology to Mrs. Culling. Angrily on his behalf she prepared to humble herself to him.

He told Mr. Romfrey that he should be glad to meet Colonel Halkett and Cecilia. Business called him to Holdesbury. Thence he betook himself to Dr. Shrapnel's cottage to say farewell to Jenny Denham previous to her departure for Switzerland with her friend Clara Sherwin.

I have done no good, and it prevents me from running over to Holdesbury to see Nevil, for if "shindy letters," as you call them, are bad, shindy meetings are worse. I should be telling him my opinion of Shrapnel, he would be firing out, I should retort, he would yell, I should snap my fingers, and he would go into convulsions.

I hear he has ordered the removal of the Jersey bull from Holdesbury, and the beast is mine, Lord Romfrey concluded in a lower key. 'Nevil has taken him. 'Ha! pull and pull, then! 'He contends that he is bound by a promise to give an American gentleman the refusal of the bull, and you must sign an engagement to keep the animal no longer than two years. 'I sign no engagement.

Beauchamp passed him with a nod and 'Good-bye, sir. 'Have ready at Holdesbury for the middle of the month, said Mr. Romfrey, unruffled, and bowed to Cecilia. 'If you think of bringing my cousin Baskelett, give me warning, sir, cried Beauchamp.

Frenchwoman or not, that affair's over. He shall have Steynham and Holdesbury. Can I say more? Now, colonel, you go in to the countess. Grasp my hand. Give me that help, and God bless you! You light up my old days. She's a noble woman: I would not change her against the best in the land. She has this craze about Nevil. I suppose she'll never get over it.

The declaration that there had been no misbehaviour at all could not be accepted; but the news of Mr. Romfrey's having installed Nevil in Holdesbury to manage that property, and of his having mooted to her father the question of an alliance between her and Nevil, was wonderful.