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Fearing to leave Haydée for even a moment, the Count strode about the library like a caged wild animal, still holding her in his arms. He shouted again and again until he was hoarse, calling distractedly upon Espérance, Zuleika and all the servants in turn.

A huge liner from one of the German ports slipped across their bows with hoarse blasts of warning.

"I will never leave those I love so dearly." "You refuse these terms?" continued the general, in a hoarse tone of voice. "I do, most unhesitatingly. Life would be nothing to me if robbed of its brightest hope." "You will not consider this for a moment? it is your only chance." "I am resolved," said Lorenzo Bezan; "for more than one reason I am determined."

Some firing there was from Croats in the lower houses of the Village, and they had a cannon at the farther bridge-end; but they were glad to get away, and vanish in the night; muddy Weistritz singing hoarse adieu to their cannon and them. Prussian grenadiers plunged indignant into the houses; made short work of the musketries there.

I'm come here to take care of you, and see that you an't burnt, instead of the other thing. It's no use your making any noise, for you won't be found out by them as has broken in, and you'll only be hoarse when you come to the speeches, which is a pity. What I say in respect to the speeches always is, "Give it mouth." That's my maxim. Give it mouth.

To perform just this little simple trick of getting the thing started requires not only a peculiar skill or gift, but also lungs of brass and a throat of iron. A transport rider without a voice is as a tenor in the same fix. He may and does get so hoarse that it is a pain to hear him; but as long as he can croak in good volume he is all right. Mere shouting will not do.

"The secret of another!" cried the young man in a voice hoarse with astonishment. "Yes, a secret which belongs only to Don Estevan. I know it " Tiburcio at once fell from the summit of his dreams.

He had always believed that this was only a fireside fiction invented in the security of the chimney corner; but was it to have a strange confirmation in his own fate? He was pierced with pity for himself, as he heard the despair in his voice when he sent forth a wild, hoarse cry. What a cavernous echo it had!

"Kick the goal!" came the hoarse appeal from the east side seats. "Kick as you never kicked before!" Gridley fans could fairly hear themselves shake now. Hats were off and waving. The High School girls stood up, frantically waving their crimson and gold banners. Cool, steady, like one without nerves, Thompson went back into the field and poised himself for the kick.

He was very pale, and his arm trembled under her hand; at last he said, in a hoarse voice, "Do not ask me. Why should I pain you by telling you the truth?" "Is it the part of a true friend to refuse confidence?" she asked, reproachfully.