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"The best friend and hardest hitter in broad Staffordshire," added Jack heartily. I stepped into the horseshoe and made a bow general to the company, and a lower one for the benefit of my Lord Brocton, who sat next to the hearth in pride of place and comfort.

Peter saw that fallen shield, and whether for chivalry's sake, as thought the cheering multitude, or to free his left arm, he cast away his own, and grasping the sword with both hands rushed on the Spaniard. From that moment, helmless though he was, the issue lay in doubt no longer. Betty had spoken of Peter as a stubborn swordsman and a hard hitter, and both of these he now showed himself to be.

If Gridley had the weaknesses common to Red-Desert mankind, he did not parade them in Angels. As the head of his department he was well known to be a hard hitter; and now and then, when the blows fell rather mercilessly, the railroad colony called him a tyrant, and hinted that he, too, had a past that would not bear inspection. But even Benson admitted that this was mere gossip.

The hitter is the seat of a Catholic bishop, and has no less than 19,000 inhabitants a good-sized place for Hungary. In 1711 the peace between the Austrians and Rákoczy was signed in this town. Not far from here are the celebrated gold, silver, and lead mines of Nagy Banya.

'That cook, or queen, or whatever you call her her with the white bokay on her 'ed she's my sort. Wonder if she'd keep company! 'I should ask her. 'I was always a quick hitter, the man went on; 'it's a word and a blow with me. I will.

So he turned to pleasanter reflections: the yorker which had shattered the second-wicket man, and the slow head-ball which had led to a big hitter being caught on the boundary. Soothed by these memories, he fell asleep. Next morning he found himself in a softened frame of mind. He thought of Bob's iniquities with sorrow rather than wrath.

To this friend the author dedicated "The Pilot," "Red Rover," and other stories. Political feeling ran high in those early days of 1809, and prominent persons did not escape from their opponents with hitter feeling only.

Well, Jimmie was pretty proud, I can tell you, and he was such a good hitter that Bully said: "Let Jimmie knock some more balls for us to catch." So he did, after Billie Bushytail had run to get the one that went over the tree, and brought it back.

"Do you retract the statement you made?" demanded the midshipman in a low voice. "I retract nothing," quivered Ardmore. "I repeat, and repeat " Dave closed in like lightning, Ardmore attempted to guard himself, but he was all but helpless before such a fast, trained hitter as Dave. The fop went down under two well-aimed blows delivered almost together.

He was the pride of all the Rugby clubs in the country side, and was as well, indeed, if not better known in his brilliant career as a cricketer. Who in Scotland could bat like Tom? He was not a hitter to a particular side of the wickets; all was alike to him. He could cut, drive, hit to long and square-leg, and oh! how far!