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"Amyas! Amyas! thou art a hard hitter, but a soft politician." "I am no politician, Captain Raleigh, nor ever wish to be. An honest man's my friend, and a rogue's my foe; and I'll tell both as much, as long as I breathe." "And die a poor saint," said Raleigh, laughing. "But if Winter invites you to his tent himself, you won't refuse to come?"

"Be respectful, but put it good and strong," he said. "I'll write on my own account to the general freight agent. He's a friend of mine, and we have business dealings together that is his road and my road," and Mr. Hitter spoke as though he owned the line of which he was the Cresville agent. "That'll be good," said Bob. "Maybe it will hurry matters up. We're much obliged to you, Mr. Hitter."

"Why I liked the very first game I saw when Dad " "I mean, when did you first begin to care for me?" "Oh! When you put three men out in that game with Marshalltown when the teams were tied in the eighth inning. Remember? Say, Rudie dear, what was the matter with your arm to-day? You let three men walk, and Albia's weakest hitter got a home run out of you." "Oh, forget baseball for a minute, Ivy!

He looked particularly dangerous, for he had a way of standing there like a mighty warrior, flourishing his club, and watching the pitcher like a hawk. Conway had shown himself to be the most consistent hitter on the Belleville team when up against the deceptive shoots of Alan Tyree. Would he again succeed in connecting with the elusive ball, and sending one or both runners home?

'That will do, sir, says Bagg, and drawing himself back he put in a left-handed blow with all the force of his body and arm, just over the fellow's right eye Bagg is a left-handed hitter, you must know and it was a blow of that kind which won him his famous battle at Edinburgh with the big Highland sergeant.

"Now, in those days and I guess it's the same now when a man was up there to bunt, the pitcher would try to keep the ball high and tight. Well, it so happened that Red was a high-ball hitter. Howie Camnitz was pitching for Pittsburgh. He wound up and in came the ball, shoulder high. Murray took a terrific cut at it and the ball went over the left-field fence.

Also he would arrange a sign with Reddy and Raymond and McCord so they would know when he intended to pitch speed on the outside corner of the plate. For both his curve and fast ball so pitched were invariably hit toward right field. When it came to MacNeff, Ken knew from the hot rankling deep down in him that he would foil that hitter.

They left some of their number on the sand behind them, for White was a hard hitter. "Give it to them, Tony!" White cried, with a ring of exultation in his voice. "Knock 'em down as they come!" For there was only one path, and the malgamiters had to run the gauntlet of Tony Cornish, who knocked some of them over neatly enough as they passed, selecting the big ones, and letting the others go free.

The post of sheriff or sheriffs, for of course there were two was filled by the biggest and heaviest man and the hardest hitter in the ranks of the warring factions. A favorite game was raiding each other's courts and carrying off the records.

A short struggle took place between him and Leonard, in which the hitter strove to break away; but the earl, drawing his sword, held it to his throat. "Deliver up your mistress instantly," he cried, in a menacing tone, "or you are a dead man." Leonard returned a peremptory refusal. "Hold!" exclaimed Amabel, springing from the horse; "I will not be the cause of bloodshed.