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'I'll have nothing to do with that, said the other. 'Are you turned hen-hearted, Jack? 'No, by G-d, no more than yourself, but I won't. It was something like that stopped all the trade fifteen or twenty years ago. You have heard of the Loup? G-d, how he used to laugh when he showed us how he fetched him off the perch! 'Well, but it did up the trade for one while, said Jack.

A few thousands of these sturdy fellows would put to flight an army of hen-hearted Hindús or Hindís. We left Cape Palmas at 5 P.M., and duly respected the five-fathom deep 'Athole Rock, so called from the frigate which first made its acquaintance. The third victim was the B. and A. s.s. The Juju-men naturally declared that their magic brought her to such notable grief.

'I'll have nothing to do with that, said the other. 'Are you turned hen-hearted, Jack? 'No, by G-d, no more than yourself, but I won't. It was something like that stopped all the trade fifteen or twenty years ago. You have heard of the Loup? G-d, how he used to laugh when he showed us how he fetched him off the perch! 'Well, but it did up the trade for one while, said Jack.

Lord! what a night! Listen how the wind an' storm growls an' tyrannizes and rages down in the glen there, an' about the hills. Faith there'll be many a house stripped this night. Why, what ails you? Afther all, you're but a hen-hearted divil, I doubt; sorra thing else."

When the pirate, Captain Bellamy, boards a merchant ship from Boston, he attacks the inequality of capitalist society, the ship owners, and most of all, the Captain: damn ye, you are a sneaking Puppy, and so are all those who will submit to be governed by Laws which rich Men have made for their own Security, for the cowardly Whelps have not the Courage otherwise to defend what they get by their Knavery; but damn ye altogether: Damn them for a Pack of crafty Rascals, and you, who serve them, for a Parcel of hen-hearted Numskuls.

He got as pale as a sheet, to-night, when Corney there threatened him; not but he's desateful enough I grant, but he'd be a greater tyrant only that he's so hen-hearted." "But what job," said the rouser, "has he for us to-morrow night, do you think? It must be something past the common. Who the dioual can he have in his eye to run away wid?"

Warwick could put division between blood-relatives, she could do worse, and was to be dreaded up to the hour of the nuptials. 'I meant no harm in coming, she said, at the shaking of hands. 'No, no; I understand, said her hostess: 'you are hen-hearted over your adopted brood. The situation is perceptible and your intention creditable.

"I'll have nothing to do with that," said the other "Are you turned hen-hearted, Jack?" "No, by G-d, no more than yourself, but I won't it was something like that stopped all the trade fifteen or twenty years ago you have heard of the 'Loup'?" G-d, how he used to laugh when he showed us how he fetched him off the perch!" "Well, but it did up the trade for one while," said Jack.

"He said, in answer, that he did not wish to live; that he suffered the greatest tortures of mind; and that the only comfort earth held out to him would be to ease his remorse by a full acknowledgment of his crime, and to hope for future mercy by expiating his offence on the scaffold; all this, and much more, to the same purpose, the hen-hearted fellow told me with sighs and groans.

Though you are a sneaking puppy, and so are all those who will submit to be governed by laws which rich men have made for their own security for the cowardly whelps have not the courage otherwise to defend what they get by their knavery. But damn ye altogether; damn them for a pack of crafty rascals, and ye who serve them, for a parcel of hen-hearted numbskulls.