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I do believe that these applauses are For some new honours that are heap'd on Caesar. Cassius. Why man, he doth bestride the narrow world, Like a Colossus: and we petty men Walk under his huge legs; and peep about To find ourselves DISHONOURABLE GRAVES. Men, at some time, are masters of their fates, The fault, dear Brutus, IS NOT in our STARS, But in ourselves that we are underlings.

"Oh! not that each long night my weary eyes Sink into sleep, unlull'd by Pity's sighs; Not that in bitter tears my bread is steep'd Tears drawn by insults on my sorrows heap'd; Not that my thoughts recall a mother's grave Recall the sire I would have died to save, Who fell before me, bleeding on the field, Whilst I in vain opposed the useless shield. Ah! not for these I grieve!

One who never oblig'd the nation by one single act of goodness or valour, in all the course of his life; and who never signaliz'd himself to the advantage of one man of all the kingdom: a prince unfortunate in his principles and morals; and whose sole, single ingratitude to His Majesty, for so many royal bounties, honours, and glories heap'd upon him, is of itself enough to set any honest generous heart against him.

For gold, his sword the hireling ruffian draws; For gold, the hireling judge distorts the laws; Wealth heap'd on wealth, nor truth, nor safety buys; And dangers gather as the treasures rise." And at every one of these dens, what a crowd of victims were collected! "A motley company indeed black-legs, and would-be-gentlemen the cheater and the cheated."

Go to now, O ye rich men, howl and cry, Because of your approaching misery: Your riches are corrupted, and the moths Have ent'red, and have eaten up your clothes. Your gold and silver's canker'd, and the rust Thereof, shall be an evidence that's just Against you, and like fire your flesh devour: Against the last days ye have heap'd up store.

Many-domed Padua proud Stands, a peopled solitude, 'Mid the harvest shining plain, Where the peasant heaps his grain In the garner of his foe, And the milk-white oxen slow With the purple vintage strain Heap'd upon the creaking wain." We crossed an old bridge, on which was the following inscription:

Here, children, I have heard your own dear father more than once repeat, as only he could, Byron's graphic lines: "Cypress and ivy, weed and wall-flower grown, Matted and mass'd together; hillocks heap'd On what were chambers, arch crushed, column strewn In fragments; choked-up vaults, and frescoes steep'd In subterranean damps, where the owl peep'd Deeming it midnight.

To make Ebulum: To a hogshead of strong ale, take a heap'd bushel of elder-berries, and half a pound of juniper-berries beaten; put in all the berries when you put in the hops, and let them boil together till the berries brake in pieces, then work it up as you do ale; when it has done working, add to it half a pound of ginger, half an ounce of cloves, as much mace, an ounce of nutmegs, and as much cinamon grosly beaten, half a pound of citron, as much eringo-root, and likewise of candied orange-peel; let the sweetmeats be cut in pieces very thin, and put with the spice into a bag and hang it in the vessel when you stop it up.

The moon broke forth at this moment, and showed him that the Standard of England was vanished, that the spear on which it had floated lay broken on the ground, and beside it was his faithful hound, apparently in the agonies of death. All my long arrear of honour lost, Heap'd up in youth, and hoarded up for age. Hath Honour's fountain then suck'd up the stream?

Borrow and Napier rode out together to the ruins of Italica: "We sat down," he says, "on a fragment of the walls; the "Unknown" began to feel the vein of poetry creeping through his inward soul, and gave vent to it by reciting, with great emphasis and effect, the following well-known and beautiful lines: "Cypress and ivy, weed and wallflower, grown Matted and massed together, hillocks heap'd On what were chambers, arch crush'd, column strown In fragments, choked up vaults, and frescoes steep'd In subterranean damps, where the owl peep'd, Deeming it midnight: Temples, baths, or halls Pronounce who can; for all that Learning reap'd From her research hath been, that these are walls."