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Updated: August 14, 2024

It has been remarked, moreover, that even in our own climate, the caged birds that are fed with hemp seed are the most amorously inclined. According to Browne whole fields are in Africa sown with hashish, the bang of the East Indies, for the purpose of being used as a stimulant to amorous dalliance.

Identical with those of belladonna and hyoscyamus, the post-mortem appearances and treatment being also the same. When smoked, produces intoxication and mania. Hashish, used in the East as a narcotic, may cause persons to run 'amok' and commit murder. =Cocaine.= Any dose above 1/2 grain applied to a mucous membrane or injected hypodermically may give rise to alarming symptoms.

Does your maid Johar laugh? Am I not Hammin Widdir, el hombre mas valido de Tanger? And is it not true that I am of the blood of the Moors of Garnata? Deny it, and I will kill you both, you and your maid Johar." "You have been eating hashish and majoon, Hammin," said Joanna Correa, "and the Shaitan has entered into you, as he but too frequently does.

They stand still, or they stretch to indefinite and incredible lengths all, all outside of time, which has no power upon them. So it was now. Every fraction of every second of every minute lengthened into centuries, eternities passed between minutes. The hashish-eater knows something of this terror of time, and I seemed to have eaten hashish that night.

He felt that they were not analogous to the fantastic and unreal dreams due to intoxication by hashish, opium or wine. Of that he could judge, when the attack was over. These instants were characterized to define it in a word by an intense quickening of the sense of personality.

"No, sir, hashish." "Good God! Go on." "There's a place in Soho, just off Frith Street, where hashish is supplied, and I go there sometimes. Mr. Samarkan used to come, and bring people with him from the New Louvre Hotel, I believe. That's where I met him." "The exact address?" demanded Smith. "Café de l'Egypte.

McCabe in a matter of fact way that acted upon me like a welcome tonic, put several purely medical questions, which at first by dint of a great effort, but, with ever-increasing ease, I answered. "Yes," he said musingly at last. "Of course it is all but impossible to speak with certainty, but I am disposed to think that you have been drugged with some preparation of hashish.

The master of the Loulia must surely be expected the man Isaacson had seen driving the Russian horses, and, clothed almost in rags, squatting in the darkness of the hashish café in the entrails of Cairo. And Bella Donna was hurrying back after only one night in Cairo! Isaacson forgot the marvellous beauty of the declining day. In a few minutes he returned to the house.

His look fell upon the long pathway whereon, for three hundred yards, matting had been spread. It was a field of the cloth of blood; for on this cloth dervishes returned from Mecca, mad with fanaticism and hashish, would lie packed like herrings, while the Sheikh of the Dosah rode his horse over their bodies, a pavement of human flesh and bone.

Norris West pressed his hands to his evidently aching head. "Bayard Taylor's book," he said dully. "Yes! . . . I know of what my brain sought to remind me Taylor's account of his experience under hashish. Mr. Smith, someone doped me with hashish!" Smith nodded grimly. "Cannabis indica," I said "Indian hemp. That is what you were drugged with.

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