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Updated: January 25, 2025

Giro del Mondo del G.F. Gemelli Carreri. Naples, 1699. 7 vols. 8vo. Letters from Barbary, France, Spain, and Portugal. Cor. de Jong Reisen naer de Cap de Goede Hop, Ierland en Norwégen. Haarlem, 1802. 8vo. Friedrich, Briefe au einen freund, eine reise von Gibraltar nach Tanger und von da durch Spanien, und Frankreich, Zurich, nach Deutschland, betreffend.

Thurstane found the caravan in excellent condition, the mules being tethered at the reservoir half-way up the acclivity, and the wagons parked and guarded as usual, with Weber for officer of the night. "We are in no tanger, Leftenant," said the sergeant. "A large barty of these bueplo beeble has shust gone to the vront. They haf daken atfandage of our bresence to regover a bortion of the blain.

"There's no tanger of that," said Mr. Owen ap Jones; "for your mother, like a wise ooman, writes me here, that py the atvice of your cardian, to oom she is coing to be married, she will not pring you home to Ireland till I send her word you are perfect in your Enclish crammer at least." "I have my lesson perfect, sir," said Dominick, taking his grammar up from the floor; "will I say it now?"

Ad ipsum fretum Herculis Hispaniae objacet Fessanum regnum, cujus caput Fez, urbs totius Barbariae princeps, ingens, opulenta, frequens, splendida ac magnificis superbisque aedificiis miranda. Tanger, Sebta, Arxilla, amplae ad fretum urbes, Hispanicae sunt ditionis. Regnum Maurocanum.

First, they did winne and conquere from the princes of Barbary the Island of Geisera and towne of Arzila, not past an 140. mile distant from their Metropolitane and chiefe citie of Fesse: and after that they wonne also from the said princes the townes of Tanger, Ceuta, Mazigan, Azamor, and Azaffi, all alongst the Sea coasts. And in the yeere of our Lord, 1455.

Does your maid Johar laugh? Am I not Hammin Widdir, el hombre mas valido de Tanger? And is it not true that I am of the blood of the Moors of Garnata? Deny it, and I will kill you both, you and your maid Johar." "You have been eating hashish and majoon, Hammin," said Joanna Correa, "and the Shaitan has entered into you, as he but too frequently does.

'It's no more mine than it is some other chap's, said Harry, looking aside. There was a moment of pause. 'Which girl is it? asked Fanny. 'Annie the young one There followed another silence. 'I don't think I know them, do I? asked the minister. 'I shouldn't think so. Their name's Nixon mother married old Bob for her second husband. She's a tanger 's driven the gel to what she is.

What a glory too for Johar, how much better than to marry a vile Jew, even like Hayim Ben Atar, or your cook Sabia, both of whom I could strangle with two fingers, for am I not Hammin Widdir Moro de Garnata, el hombre mas valido be Tanger?" He then shouldered his barrel and departed. "Is that Mulatto really what he pretends to be?" said I to Joanna; "is he a descendant of the Moors of Granada?"

First they were compelled to surrender their hunting rights; this was not sufficient; the appetite of the Prince grew; in his own words he wished "to be rid of the Bismarcks from the moor and the Tanger altogether." It was all of no use; the Prince insisted, and his wrath was dangerous.

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