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"Whee jiz I mean jee whiz!" spluttered Harry. "Are you going to let that fellow do you. The sophs will never get over it if you do. Hear 'em laugh!" "Don't worry," smiled Frank. "This is the beginning. There must be an ending." "Do him do him, Bruce!" fiercely whispered Hartwick in the ear of his principal. "It's plain enough that you can." "I think I can," said Bruce, confidently.

Go sit out on the lake, if you like that sort of thing; soak the water-butt, if you wish; but do not, I implore you, come into a gentleman's house and saturate him and his possessions in this way. It is damned disagreeable." "Henry Hartwick Oglethorpe," said the ghost, in a gurgling voice, "you don't know what you are talking about."

His father was a skipper." "What! A sea captain?" asked Hartwick. "No, a bank cashier. He skipped to Canada." "Wow!" whooped Tad Horner. "How that hurt! Don't do it again!" "You fellows have things twisted," asserted Parker, with apparent seriousness. "I have private advices that Merriwell's father is a poor dentist." "A poor dentist, eh?" "Yes, rather poor, but he manages to pull out."

"The lease was to contain a clause pledging every colonist to unite with the church within a year; to recognize Pastor Hartwick or his representative as his pastor and spiritual adviser; to attend his services regularly, decently, and with devotion; to contribute to the maintenance of the church, school, and parsonage according to ability; to have his children baptized, and to send them to school and confirmation instruction until they were confirmed.

One time there were seven women with cats in my room, when two men came up leading dogs. The first woman had managed to get into the room, and while I was arguing with her, trying to convince her that I did not want her blamed old cat, the others found their way in. They opened on me altogether. Hartwick shut himself in the clothespress, and I could hear him laughing and gasping for breath.

Go sit out on the lake, if you like that sort of thing; soak the water-butt, if you wish; but do not, I implore you, come into a gentleman's house and saturate him and his possessions in this way. It is damned disagreeable." "Henry Hartwick Oglethorpe," said the ghost, in a gurgling voice, "you don't know what you are talking about."

"But every one of you is of the opinion that we are going to have a cinch with the freshmen." "It does look easy." "Have they been easy thus far?" "Oh, that's different." "You will find this is different when it is all over." "Now, see here, Hartwick," said Parker; "you are the only soph who does not think we have a soft thing with the freshmen. What's the matter with you?"

Geflugelt eilt mit uns die zeit In eine lange ewigkeit." Hartwick Seminary and Dr. Hazelius. In 1754 Hartwick purchased 21,500 acres of land in Otsego Co., N. Y., which he endeavored to colonize with a Lutheran congregation.

"I'll meet Merriwell on the level," he finally decided, "and I will whip him on the level or I'll not whip him at all." Then he instructed Hartwick to carry a challenge to Frank. "I will fight him with hard gloves," said Bruce. He had decided that with a glove on his hand he could not easily perform the trick of breaking his enemy's wrist in case he was seized by an impulse to do so.

When I got to where the head of the left wing of the Ninth was lying, through the courtesy of Lieutenant Hartwick, two of whose colored troopers threw down the fence, I was enabled to get back into the lane, at the same time waving my hat, and giving the order to charge the hill on our right front.