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Now one went through the ship's sails; now one passed on one side, now on the other; but none did any material harm. Still, Captain Dinan gave no order to fire in return. Thus for some time the ships continued to sail on, the pirate gradually drawing nearer. At length she yawed and let fly her whole broadside. Several shots struck the Amity, two poor fellows being killed, and a third wounded.

Gerald sank his head upon his chest, and sighed bitterly. "Well," said Jackson, "all this is queer enough; but what were you doing standing over the man just now with that knife, if it was not to harm him? And as for your countenance, it scowled so savage and passionate, I was almost afraid to look at it myself."

"Fearing that he might revenge himself upon her by doing her or the children some harm, she told him that it was her duty to stay with the little ones whom the death of the parents had left in her care; that they might perish if she now left them. "But nothing would turn away his anger, and if it had not happened just then that some friendly Indians came along he would have cruelly beaten her.

Now," when they had run ahead for some minutes, "do you want to go faster?" Johnnie laughed up at him, through thick, fair lashes. "Looks like anybody would be hard to suit that wanted to go faster than this," she apologized. "But if the machine can make a higher speed, there wouldn't be any harm in just running that way for a spell, would there?" It was Stoddard's turn to laugh.

You didn't think at the time indeed, in our excitement we all forgot that Aun' Jinkey was her mammy, and you know how strong that tie is, even in your case, and you have always had a mother's love." "Oh, fool, fool that I was in my mad anger! Brave, grand, heroic girl! I'd have done as much for my old mammy; or rather I'd have struck down a general before he should harm her.

The 'Shepherd's Calendar' was dedicated to 'the most noble the Marquis of Exeter. To previous counsel of putting the name of some great patron to his poems, Clare had always leant a deaf ear; but he was persuaded in this instance by his old friend, Dr. Bell, to act contrary to his own judgment. Perhaps there was not much harm in the dedication; but there came from it not much good either.

It was terrible to think of the poor man lying there in his death agony; but he was already surrounded by natives, and no real help could be given without fear of doing more harm than good before the doctor was brought to the spot.

"I really do not see that you need blame yourself for " "I ought not to have left her side. Yet, God knows, it never entered my head to dream of the possibility of any harm; all seemed so still, so peaceful, so utterly quiet; yet, at that moment, the hand that did the deed could not have been far off."

His sense of chivalry was also intensified by the fact, already stated, that he knew but little of that sex which is at the moment making a superficial stir in the world. "If the harm is done, a day more will make it no worse, I reckon," he said reflectively. He would not listen to what they said, though he could have heard easily enough, had he so desired.

It may readily be admitted that malice did originally mean a malevolent motive, an actual intent to harm the plaintiff by making a false charge.