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Laura regained her strength somewhat, and was able to relieve Edith of the care of her mother and the lighter duties of the house. Her faith developed like that shy, delicate blossom called the "wind-flower," easily shaken, and yet with a certain hardiness and power to live and thrive in sterile places. Edith and Mrs.

The squire insists that the English gentlemen have lost much of their hardiness and manhood since the introduction of carriages.

But in spite of his popularity he never seems to have evaded responsibility and wallowed in debauchery, like the king. We find Gilles shortly afterward defending Anjou and Maine against the English. The chronicles say that he was 'a good and hardy captain, but his 'goodness' and 'hardiness' did not prevent him from being borne back by force of numbers.

There were only the two axes in the party, besides Shalah's tomahawk, and no one can know the labour of felling and trimming trees tin he has tried it. We found the horses useful for dragging trunks, and but for them should have made a poor job of it. Grey's white hands were all cut and blistered, and, though I boasted of my hardiness, mine were little better.

As he spoke, he looked at her with burning eyes. He was astonished, almost terrified by his hardiness; and what he detected of its effect on her threw him into an indescribable state of emotion.

But this is a lad of fire, zeal, and education and these knaves want but such a leader to direct their blind enthusiastic hardiness. I mention this, not as refusing your request, but to make you fully aware of the possible consequences I will never evade a promise, or refuse to return an obligation if you ask his life, he shall have it."

Thunders of applause from the English soldiers, as well as from the citizens and peasants, showed how far the love of brave and knightly deeds could rise above the rivalries of race. "By my soul! John," cried the prince, with his cheek flushed and his eyes shining, "this is a man of good courage and great hardiness.

"I spoke not of that," said the king, "but of your life, yourself." "My life," said the man faltering, "what is that? Is it not ended?" "It is begun," said the king. "Your life yourself, what of that?" "I had not thought of that," said the man, "only of the jewel, not of myself, my life." "Think of it now," said the king, "and think clearly. Have you not learned courage and hardiness?

The musical ideas of those of the compositions that are finely realized recall the ruggedness and hardiness and starkness of things that persist in the Finnish winter. The rhythms seem to approach the wild, unnumbered rhythms of the forest and the wind and the nickering sunlight.

The crocodile opens his wide voracious jaws in order to devour the man; but the man takes this opportunity and thrusts the point of his spear into the creature's mouth, by which means he is generally killed upon the spot. Nay, I have even heard that some will carry their hardiness so far as to go into the water in order to fight the crocodile there.