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We were joined by the tall clerical figure of the Reverend Doctor Halford, who had, it seemed, been at least one to keep his appointment as made. He raised his hand as if to silence me, and held out to me a certain object. It was the slipper of the Baroness Helena von Ritz white, delicate, dainty, beribboned.

With your eye for them, can you ask? A devouring ambition, that's all! Haven't you noticed that, in all except the biggest minds, ambition takes the form of wanting to command where one has had to obey? Amherst has been made to toe the line at Westmore, and now he wants Truscomb yes, and Halford Gaines, too! to do the same.

This Truscomb must be an able fellow." "Devoted to Dick's interests, I've always understood." "He makes the mills pay well, at any rate, and that's not so easy nowadays. But on general principles it's as well he should see that we mean to look into everything thoroughly. Of course Halford Gaines will never be more than a good figure-head, but Truscomb must be made to understand that Mrs.

Private Secretary Halford received a telegram this afternoon from his wife at Altoona, announcing that Mrs. Lew Wallace was with her and safe. Did Not Lose Their Presence of Mind. A dispatch from Carthage, Ill., says: "Mrs. M.J. Smith, a traveling saleslady for a book concern in New York city, was at Johnstown at the time of the flood and was swept away with others.

"Yes, Miss Elisabeth and I concluded this very morning not to wait. I would ask you to help me as my best man, if I dare." "You do dare," said he. "You're all a-fluster. Go on; I'll get a parson how'll Doctor Halford do? and I'd take care of the license for you if I could Gad! sorry it's not my own!" "You are the finest fellow in the world, Jack.

H. Cholmondeley Pennell, began in the early 'sixties; it is to him that we owe the admirable volumes on fresh-water fishing in the "Badminton Library." Among other English writers mention must be made of Messrs William Senior, John Bickerdyke and F.M. Halford, who have all performed signal services for angling and its literature. I go a-Fishing by Dr.

The death took place at Windsor, at a little after two o'clock in the morning. Immediately afterwards the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Howley, and the Lord Chamberlain, the Marquis of Conyngham, together with the Earl of Albemarle, the Master of the Horse, and Sir Henry Halford, the late King's physician, started from Windsor for Kensington.

"I am performing miracles in my parish with garlic for whooping-cough." Another: "We conquered the whooping-cough here with a pennyworth of salt of tartar, after having filled them with the expensive poisons of Halford. What an odd thing that such a specific should not be more known!"

Smarting as I do yet under the cruel injustice done me by the meek and gentle groceryman, who, while he wept upon my corrugated bosom with one hand, softly removed my pelt with the other and sprinkled Chili sauce all over me, I will not betray my own friends. Even with my still bleeding carcass quivering under the Halford sauce of Mr.

A medical gentleman has written a letter to Sir Henry Halford on Cholera, in which he takes to himself the credit of being "the first to discover the disease, and communicate it to the public." The public is much obliged to him. Globe. Newspapers.