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‘It is a lovely evening,’ answered I; and I sighed to think how little I had felt its loveliness, and how little of a paradise sweet Grassdale was to mehow still less to the voluntary exile from its scenes. Whether Mr. Hargrave divined my thoughts, I cannot tell, but, with a half-hesitating, sympathising seriousness of tone and manner, he asked if I had lately heard from Mr. Huntingdon.

"Let the three regiments be got in readiness at once, but relax no effort in that other matter. Find the guilty parties if a possible thing." And then the group dissolved. One or two of the number looked back, half-hesitating, at the entrance of the tent, but the chief had turned again to the littered table before him, and seating himself, rested his gray head in the hand nearest his visitors.

Lady Ridsdale wondered why the beautiful face suddenly grew pale and grave. Half an hour afterwards Marion came timidly to her side. "Lady Ridsdale," she began, in a half-hesitating manner, "of course I never thought such happiness as the marriage of my guardian was in store for me." "I suppose not," was the smiling reply. "I used to think that I should go away from here and be so lonely, so sad.

She lay still on his breast for a moment; then, raising her eyes timidly to his face again, she said in a half-hesitating way, "I am afraid it is very naughty in me, papa, but I can't help thinking that Miss Stevens is very disagreeable.

"Well, if you'd rather not, or if you've somewhere else to go, I won't insist." "Why, I did promise to go down to the Club," he replied, still speaking in a half-hesitating way.

"So, you are my old shipmate, Jack Tier, are ye?" exclaimed Spike, in a half-patronizing, half-hesitating way "and you want to try the old craft ag'in. Give us a leaf of your log, and let me know where you have been this many a day, and what you have been about? Keep the brig off, Mr. Mulford. We are in no particular hurry to reach Throg's, you'll remember, sir."

Instead of this our landlord went on expatiating on the beauties of the Lough, and the fineness of the season in general, and the sunset in particular, for full five minutes after the wine had disappeared; when he suddenly said, with a half-hesitating tone, towards my English friend, who sat at his elbow "I beg your pardon! perhaps you would take some more wine?"

Basil was telling of his journey to Cumae, and of the difficulty he had had in persuading Aurelia to visit her father. 'Does she live alone there? inquired Marcian. There was a pause before the reply, and when Basil spoke his voice fell to a note of half-hesitating confidence.

Not long after Darwin's "Origin of Species" appeared I was studying with that excellent anatomist and man, Jeffries Wyman, at Harvard. He was a convert, yet so far a half-hesitating one, to Darwin's views; but I heard him make a remark that applies well to the subject I now write about.

Eldridge said to a lady, in a half-hesitating voice, as if he were almost ashamed to ask the question, "Will you have a cup of coffee?" "If you please," was the smiling answer. "Nothing would suit me better." "Delicious!" Mr. Eldridge heard one of the gentlemen, of whom he stood most in dread, say. "This is indeed a treat.