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And Haw-Haw grinned and looked down the length of the room to where Mac Strann sat, a heavy, inert mass, his fleshy forehead puckered into a half-frown of animal wistfulness. "You ain't the only ones," he said to his companion at the bar. "They's a man in town who says they don't turn out any two men in this range that could give him action." "The hell!" grunted he of the red hair.

With a half-smile, half-frown John took his seat, and again shaded his eyes with his hand. "Being that dense creature, a man, I would appreciate the opinion of an illuminating lady on the tactics of her sex. What have I done to bring this nonsense to pass?

When his host showed him to his room, the boy examined his pistol with such care while he was unbuckling it, that, looking up, he found a half-smile, half-frown, and no little suspicion, in his host's face; but he made no explanation, and he slept that night with one ear open, for he was not sure yet that no Honeycutt might be following him.

He said he didn't like to ask for a cheque, because we were always giving, but selling my old wardrobe would be a sort of lucky find that's what he called it." Byng nodded, with a half-frown, however. "That was ingenious of Fellowes, and thoughtful, too. Now, what does a gown cost, one like that you have on?" "This let me see. Why, fifty pounds, perhaps. It's not a ball gown, of course."

And therewith the chin sank again into the belcher, and the small voice died into a small sigh. The stout lady glanced benignly at her spouse, and then resuming her address, to which Ardworth listened with a half-frown and a half-smile, observed encouragingly, "Yes, there's nothing like a lawful wife to break a man in, as you will find some day.

Later, when the game of clearing up was over and the nickel clutched in Baby's fat palm, he turned to his wife with a half-frown: "Don't you think you are making the children rather mercenary, Clytie? They seem to want to be paid for everything they do. I'm just about drained out of change!" "Oh, at Christmas!" said the wife expressively.

Her eyes, as she lifted them to Bertie Patterson, were dark and narrow and full of sparkle and decision, and the half-frown, which still survived from her study of the comic paper, helped to give her a look of some force and determination. Truesdale, on seeing her, gave a sudden start, and turned his eyes and his face away at once.

He carried in his mind the total amount of the contributions, and as he came to the end a half-frown rested on his brow as he thought of having to give to all these objects again. That was the trouble with charities, they were as regular as coupons. Confound Mrs. Wright! Why did she not let him alone! However, she was an important woman the leader in the best set in the city.

Do you know what that means?" she whined. "I'll never get anywhere in a concert career. You have to sit first-desk or be the concert mistress." I coughed a couple more times. "But you're doing fine," I insisted. "You're the best." She gave me her old half-frown, pulling down one side of her mouth and screwing up her eyes, then rolling them away toward the ceiling.

And therewith the chin sank again into the belcher, and the small voice died into a small sigh. The stout lady glanced benignly at her spouse, and then resuming her address, to which Ardworth listened with a half-frown and a half-smile, observed encouragingly, "Yes, there's nothing like a lawful wife to break a man in, as you will find some day.