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Updated: August 5, 2024

And I harked, with strange pain in me, that she did be so in pain; and I ached to bring her ease; yet moved not, but was very still there in the gap; save that my being was all in turmoil. And presently, as I harked, there came a slim white figure out from among the trees; and the figure cried out something, and came to a quick pause, as I could see in the half-dark.

I believe he has entirely lost his fancy for insurrectionary movements; and politics, I trust, are very indifferent to him." "I should regret if it were so," said Thugut, smiling. "I suppose you have got him here in Vienna?" "Of course; he occupies a splendid half-dark dungeon in our penitentiary." "Picking oakum?" "No; I hear he has often asked for it as a favor.

I'll tell everything at once, there, where we're going now." In the dim, low-ceiled little inn, the customary haunt of petty thieves, where business was carried on only in the evening, until very far into the night, Platonov took the little half-dark cubby hole. "Give me boiled meat, cucumbers, a large glass of vodka, and bread," he ordered the waiter.

"So rings the war cry of heroes before whom the enemy quails!" exclaimed Bent-Anat. "Aye, truly so rings the war cry!" said prince Rameri, who had entered his sister's half-dark room unperceived by the two women. The princess turned to the boy. "How you frightened me!" she said. "You!" said Rameri astonished. "Yes, me.

Candles glimmered behind the great choir-screen and there were lamps by the West door. Seen thus, in its half-dark, the nave bore full witness to the fact that Polchester has the largest Cathedral in Northern Europe. It is certainly true that no other building in England gives the same overwhelming sense of length.

Part of the household were for church, and the rest lounged until luncheon; then Polly read "Sonny" until twilight, and Laura played strange music in the half-dark. The next day the men went into town to look about, and to lunch with some college chums. As they would not return until five, the ladies had the day to themselves.

Not a cloud anywhere. The blue of the sky was so thick and dark on the horizon that the eye mistook it for storm-cloud. The house Mr. Perekatov had erected for a summer residence had been, with the foresight usual in the steppes, built with every window directly facing the sun. Nenila Makarievna had every shutter closed from early morning. Kister walked into the cool, half-dark drawing-room.

This was soon after supper; when little boys and girls are abed and asleep. The little boy in this case was half asleep. He heard his Aunt's and Uncle's voices get fainter as his own dream-voices came to take their place, and then came suddenly awake with a start to find Uncle Mo looming large beside him in the half-dark room. "Made you jump, did I, old man?" said Uncle Mo, kissing him.

So strange an aspect had all these quiet hill-lines and larch and fir- tree tops in the half-dark stillness, that the boy's terrors were overlaid and almost subdued by his wonderment; he had never before been out in the night, and he must have feared to cry in it, for his sobs were not loud.

Ascending the tall ladder which leads up to the kampong, we passed through long, deserted-looking galleries, and from one a woman hurriedly retired into a room. The inhabitants were at their ladangs, most of them four hours' travel from here. Arriving finally at the house of Kwing Iran, I was met by a handful of people gathered in its cheerless, half-dark gallery.

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