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But it's like this anything a workman tells him is the truth, and anything an employer tells him is a dirty lie. Until proven differently, of course, but that takes a lot of doing. And he goes off half-cocked a lot of times. He doesn't stop to analyze situations very closely." "That's what I was afraid of. Well, you tell him you don't have any control over my labor relations.

Now don't go off half-cocked and think I'm allowing that you ain't truthful; because I think you are reasonably so and I'm sure that everything you say in your report is true. But is there anything you don't say in it?

A couple of hundred of you chasing after two men, one an officer of the law doing his sworn duty, and the other innocent of any crime. I should imagine you would feel proud of your job." "Innocent? Hell!" "That is what I said. You fellows have gone off half-cocked a mob generally does. Both Miss Spencer and Mr.

"Don't go off half-cocked, Dick," admonished the Colonel easily. "You're no fool, nor is Ernie. It's worth just ten thousand between you if Tom Braddock is landed to-night, with the goods on him, so to speak. Two thousand down, the balance "

I wish them other fellers, instid of goin' off half-cocked, hed tracked Codago, the low-lived skunk. To think of him runnin' away from wife, an' young one, too! Forward, git!" "They hain't got no souls that's what made him do it, Charley," said Lynn Taps, as the men deployed.

Presently, however, following an animal, he left her a distance behind. On the edge of a little billabong she came upon a truculent boar. It turned on her, but she fired, and it fell. Seeing another ahead, she pushed on quickly to secure it, too. As she went she half-cocked her rifle. Had her mind been absolutely intent on the sport, she had full cocked it.

"Because you have penetrated this far by your own effort, justified by your own personal emotions, and driven by an urge that is all-powerful if I am to believe the books I've read on the subject. You are told this much of the truth so that you won't go off half-cocked with a fine collection of rather dangerous untruths. Understand?" "I'm beginning to." "Well, whether Mrs.

The mountaineer's eyes were fixed upon a tall, imperious looking man, whose collar bore the silver stars of a Colonel. "He has found his man at last," said Harry, noticing his companion's attitude, and picking up his own gun in readiness for what might come. Fortner half-cocked his rifle, took from its nipple the cap that had been tehre an hour and flung it away.

"He went off half-cocked this time, for sure, and we've got him foul. We'd better put on some negative pretty soon hadn't we, Mart? Only a little over a hundred light-years now." Crane nodded agreement and Seaton continued: "It'll take as long to stop, of course, as it has taken to get out here, and if we ram them GOOD NIGHT! Let's figure it out as nearly as we can."

One of them that interested Yussuf Dakmar awfully was to point the pistol straight ahead, half-cocked, and try to get the hammer down by slapping it with the palm of his hand. Most of our baggage was on the floor, but one fairly heavy valise was in the rack over Yussuf Dakmar's head.