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Grif gave him an order on the spot for a full-length statue of himself, and stood up to show the imposing attitude in which he wished to be taken, but unfortunately slipped and fell forward with one hand in the custard pie, the other clutching wildly at the coffee-pot, which inhospitably burnt his fingers.

She won't die if Grif comes back. She can't die if Grif comes back. Oh, Dolly, my darling, you saved me, and I am going to try to save you." She was out in the street in two minutes, standing on the pavement, looking up and down, and then she ran across to the other side.

"Grif," said Dolly, in a tired voice, "Grif." And then she remembered how she had written to him about what this very dénouement would be when it came. How strange, how wearily strange, it was to think that it should come about in such a way as this! "My nephew," said Miss MacDowlas. "Griffith Donne." "Yes," said Dolly, briefly. "I was engaged to him." "Was!" echoed Miss MacDowlas.

She kept close to the houses, so that she might be in their shadow, and a little sob broke from her as she hurried along, a sob of joy and fear and excitement. At the end of the row of houses somebody was standing under the street lamp, a man. Was it Grif, or could Grif have gone even in this short time?

"Ralph, Gus, and Ed are for, and Brickbat, Grif, and Chick against, I suppose?" said Frank, surveying his company like a general preparing for battle. "No, sir! I believe in co-everything!" cried Chick, a mild youth, who loyally escorted a chosen damsel home from school every day. A laugh greeted this bold declaration, and Chick sat down, red but firm.

And so I think it best to warn you to be prepared to come to us at once if at any time I should send for you hurriedly." "Prepared to go to them!" commented Aimée. "What does that mean? What can it mean but that our own Dolly is dying, and may slip out of the world away from us at any moment? Oh, Grif! Grif! what have you done?" Gowan closed the letter. "Miss Aimée," he said, "where is Donne?"

The modest hotel had never before been in such a state of mind through secret preparations, as it was when Dolly was well enough to sit up and walk about and choose patterns. Her instinct of interest in worldly vanities sustained that young person marvellously. When Grif and Aimée had returned to London she found herself well enough to give lengthy audiences to Mrs.

The very letters she had written then lay in her trunk now, tied together in a bundle, just as Grif had brought them and laid them down upon the table when he gave her up forever. Her "dead letter" lay with them, that last, last appeal, which had never reached his heart, and never would. She had written her last letter to him, and he his last to her.

Much confusion reigned behind the scenes; Ralph was heard scolding, and Joe set every one off again by explaining, audibly, that Grif tickled him, and he couldn't stand it.

"I'd like to see him do it," replied Blake. He shook his head dubiously. "That's straight, Grif. I'd like to see him do it. I can't forget he's her father. If only I could be sure he hadn't a finger in the disappearance of those plans Well, you can guess how I feel about it." "You're dotty to think it a minute. He's a money-grubber as sharp as some others. But he wouldn't do a thing like that.