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You mean the campaign against Fleetwood. I understand there is to be a big row. Well, he and I are used to rows." Shackwell paused, surveying his cigar. "You knew the 'Spy' meant to lead the attack?" "Yes. I was offered a glimpse of the documents this afternoon." Shackwell started up. "You didn't refuse?" Mornway related the incident of Gregg's visit.

The Legislature, immediately after the passage of the ordinance of secession, authorized the Governor to organize ten regiments of infantry for State service. Some of these regiments were enlisted for twelve months, while Gregg's, the First, was for six, of, as it was understood at the time, its main duties were the taking of Sumter.

They like to take a check in hand, and, headed by the village band, present it to some charity 'twould mean five cents to you or me; then they're embalmed in song and ode; they smirk and smile, but don't unload. I used to trade at Grocer Gregg's and paid him heaps of cash for flour and cheese and germ-proof eggs, and cans of succotash.

Through the whisper of Buck, through the loud, steady talk of Lee Haines, cut the voice of Barry. "Vic!" The latter looked up and found that Barry was standing just within the glow of the hearth-light and something about him made Gregg's heart shrink. "Vic, how much did they pay you?"

Torbert soon hotly engaged this line, and by the impetuosity of his first attack, gained some advantage; but the appearance of Fitzhugh Lee's troops on the right, and Hampton's strong resistance in front, rendered futile all efforts to carry the position; and, although I brought up one of Gregg's brigades to Torbert's assistance, yet the by-road I coveted was still held by the enemy when night closed in.

His heel clicked twice on the steps outside, and then the patter of his racing feet across the field. "The little mischief!" said Betty, delightfully flushed. "It beats everything, Vic, how Alder takes things for granted." He should have taken her in his arms and kissed her, now that she had cleared the room, he very well knew, but the obvious thing was always last to come in Gregg's repertoire.

Gregg's second wife, when he had brought her home to be a mother to Amy. The poor child suffered so much from the effect of the poison ivy that the other girls, and not alone those of her own grade, "just had to be sorry for Amy," as Mary Pease said. "To think!" said that excitable young girl. "She might even lose her eyesight if she's not careful.

Finally the Confederates gave way, and we pursued them almost to Spottsylvania Court House; but deeming it prudent to recall the pursuers about dark, I encamped Gregg's and Merritt's divisions in the open fields to the east of Todd's Tavern. During the preceding three days the infantry corps of the army had been engaged in the various conflicts known as the battles of the Wilderness.

We had come upon the field hospital of Hill, where he had his wounded of the day before encamped. Here we first heard of the fight in which so many brave men had fallen, without any decided results. As we had friends and relatives in A.P. Hill's corps, all began to make inquiries for Gregg's old brigade.

A thousand pictures rushed through the mind of Barry, and he remembered first and last the wounded man on the gray horse who he had saved, and the long, hard ride carrying that limp body to the cabin in the mountains. The man would fight. By the motion of Gregg's hand, Dan knew that he had gone even to his wedding armed.