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All these prizes I filched one by one, with infinite caution. I was gently pulling the basket through the window hole, when I heard one of the crew yawn and stretch himself in his sleep. So, determining to risk no more, I quietly pack'd the basket, slung it on my right arm, and with the ham grasp'd by the knuckle in my left, made my way up the stream.

He grasp'd his ratan firmly, and descended from his seat. With light and stealthy steps he cross'd the room and stood by the unlucky sleeper. The boy was still as unconscious of his impending punishment as ever. He might be dreaming some golden dream of youth and pleasure; perhaps he was far away in the world of fancy, seeing scenes, and feeling delights, which cold reality never can bestow.

Take as an example the adventure of Europa: Lord Tennyson's lines, in The Palace of Art are intended to describe picture 'Or sweet Europa's mantle blew unclasp'd, From off her shoulder backward borne: From one hand droop'd a crocus: one hand grasp'd The mild bull's golden horn.

Yet could he not his closing eyes withdraw, Though less and less of Emily he saw; So, speechless for a little space he lay, Then grasp'd the hand he held, and sigh'd his soul away. Palamon and Acite. The indisposition of Edith confined her to bed during the eventful day on which she had received such an unexpected shock from the sudden apparition of Morton.

Well, I heartily pity some people for their wealth; they might have been unknown else you would die, madam, to see her and her equipage: I thought her horses were ashamed of their finery; they dragged on, as if they were all at plough, and a great bashful-look'd booby behind grasp'd the coach, as if he had never held one.

Besides, do you think that I am so blind to mine own Interest, as to provide Zeokinizul with a young ambitious Mistress, who will be for monopolizing the royal Favour, and never be satisfied till she has grasp'd the Disposal of all Offices and Honours?

But see, his face is black and full of blood; His eye-balls farther out than when he lived, Staring full ghastly like a strangled man, His hair uprear'd, his nostrils stretch d with struggling, His hands abroad display'd, as one that grasp'd And tugg'd for life, and was by strength subdued Henry VI, Part II The Sheriff-depute of the county arrived at Ellangowan next morning by daybreak.

Yet could he not his closing eyes withdraw, Though less and less of Emily he saw; So, speechless for a little space he lay, Then grasp'd the hand he held, and sigh'd his soul away. Palamon and Acite. The indisposition of Edith confined her to bed during the eventful day on which she had received such an unexpected shock from the sudden apparition of Morton.

Upon the head his bared right hand He laid, the other grasp'd his brand: Then kneeling, cried, "To Heaven I swear This deed of death I own, and share; As truly, fully mine, as though This my right hand had dealt the blow: Come then, our foeman, one, come all; If to revenge this caitiffs fall One blade is bared, one bow is drawn, Mine everlasting peace I pawn, To claim from them, or claim from him, In retribution, limb for limb.

No biographer, no historian, no artist, has grasp'd it perhaps could not grasp it. It is so different, so far outside our standards of eminent humanity. Their feathers, paint even the empty buffalo skull did not, to say the least, seem any more ludicrous to me than many of the fashions I have seen in civilized society.