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His scented prose could not conceal this spirit from the perception of Richard Strauss. Strauss recognised it and welcomed it with the music of nebels, kinnors and tabors, as the misguided children of Israel welcomed the golden calf. Nietzche's 'Thou goest among women?

Consider thou must die but once I mean but once as to this world; for if thou, when thou goest hence, dost not die well, thou canst not come back again and die better. Consider, Christ Jesus did use no means to harden his heart against doing and suffering those sorrows which were necessary for the redemption of thy soul.

He ran swiftly and had reached a spot where he felt sure that he would find a flock of wild turkeys, when he saw Pocahontas ahead of him. She too was hurrying, bent evidently on some errand that absorbed her, for she did not stop to peer up at the birds or to pull the flowers as she was wont to do. "Matoaka," he called, "whither goest thou?"

"No matter, I am only too willing to follow you blindly; whither thou goest I go; thy will shall be my will; thy goal my goal." "Then to the dusty shop of Pedro; to the rescue of some trifles in the matter of bric-a-brac." "But, am I not sufficient escort without yon trim female; give her a holiday to go buy ribbons to 'tie up her bonny brown hair."

"You are very brave." Again the two women's eyes met, and this time the younger understood. Whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge; thy people shall he my people, and thy God my God that which the Moabitess said for a woman's sake women are saying for men's sakes by thousands every day. Still holding her hand, Humility drew Honoria close.

"Welcome, Esther," he said, "goest thou to the town?" A silent nod of the head was the reply. "Wilt thou carry me a message?" A nod of acquiescence answered as before. "Go, then, quickly, and tell John Elmer, that a man, wounded by a gun, is lying in my hut, and I desire him to come instantly." The squaw again nodded, and, without making an inquiry, with the natural apathy of her race, she said

All the world's bravery that delights our eyes Is but thy several liveries; Thou the rich dye on them bestowest; Thy nimble pencil paints the landscape as thou goest." Adieu, my kind nurse and sweet foster-mother, a long and a last adieu!

Let two of Bunyan's remarks make an indelible impression on every mind: 'God will break ALL hearts for sin, either here to repentance and happiness, or in the world to come to condemnation and misery. 'Consider thou must die but once; I mean but once as to this world, for if thou, when thou goest hence, dost not die well, thou canst not come back again and die better. May our spirits be baptized into these solemn truths, and our broken hearts be an acceptable sacrifice to God.

"Where hast thou been, Swanhild?" she said. "To bid farewell to Brighteyes, Gudruda." "Then thou art foolish, for doubtless he thrust thee from him." "Nay, Gudruda, he drew me to him. Hearken, I say, thou sister. Vex me not, for I go my ways and thou goest thine. Thou art strong and fair, and hitherto thou hast overcome me.

He has many men to serve him, and the gates are strong, while women are very, very weak. Yet I have seen into the master's heart, and I can give thee a key which will unlock the gates. Only it had better be done soon, for when Si Maïeddine is well, he will fight for thee; and if thou goest forth free, he will follow, and take thee in the dunes."